
645 Results / Page 15 of 72

Episode 69

The Fiorella Files

The Fiorella Files- Morera, West, and Brisson

The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise, by Dario Fernandez-Morera Scholars, journalists, and even politicians uphold Muslim-ruled medieval Spain—"al-Andalus"—as a multicultural paradise, a place where Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in harmony. There is only one problem with this widely accepted account: it is a myth.   The Return of the Solider, by Rebecca West  The Return of the Soldier tells the story of a shell-shocked soldier who returns home from the First […]

today04/18/2024 22

The Early Show

The Mid-Day Show-We Need More Doctors To Perform Abortion Rescues

Until abortion is banned, we need more doctors to rescue the unborn from bad decisions.  Joe Clovis reveals the story about a British doctor who helps mothers save their children from abortion.  Dr. Kearny is under scrutiny because he dares to oppose the cult of death.  He is the doctor mothers who have second thoughts about terminating the life of their unborn child turn to.  These mothers made the decision […]

today04/17/2024 37

The Early Show

The Mid-Day Show-My Dinner With A Muslim

Two men are having a peaceful conversation in the corner of a quaint restaurant.  It is apparent the two men do not have much in common, one is a devout Catholic, the other a muslim.  Despite their differences these two men work to understand one another.  Joe Clovis, who is filling for Fiorella, imagines what a conversation with a muslim would look like.  What kind of questions would Joe ask […]

today04/16/2024 19


Parrott Talk-A Lone Senator Admits The Truth About The War In Ukraine.

Senator Ron Johnson admits that Russia will win the Ukraine war.  Johnson said it does not matter how many weapons we send to Ukraine, they are not enough soldiers to use the weapons.  He also said the Russians have the manpower and the ability to produce munitions faster and cheaper than the west. The average cost a artillery shell in Russia is $600 while it costs Americans $6,000 for one […]

today02/29/2024 94

The Mike Church Show

It Will Be Gruesome Newsom But How Will The Demoncrats Do It!?

SPECIAL GUEST Mahgdalen Rose Political Affairs Correspondent  Ron DeSantis - he has a lot of people in his world that are establishment like Karl Rove, but he isn’t their actual pick. Nikki Haley is the true establishment pick. What kind of neo-conservative monstrosity would be her VP pick? She is the Manchurian Candidate - she is NOT a natural born citizen. When you have a primary field that the front […]

today11/30/2023 142