
197 Results / Page 3 of 22



Un-Branding, The Solution to Our Current Problems – The Mike church Show

Mandeville, La Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:18 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.veritasradionetwork.com Call the show 844-5CRUSADE ANNOUNCING THE 2ND ANNUAL GREAT GOLDEN TRUTH TICKET, CAR GIVEAWAY Founders Pass Members can take 10% OFF by using the coupon code! Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory imagery for the GTT Giveaway. Golden Truth Ticket Winners: (there is a 1in21 chance of winning the car as of today  […]

today05/14/2018 17


Cowards – Why Won’t Catholics Tell LGBTQ Brothers & Sisters That Like, Magdalene, What They Need Is THE Faith

Mandeville, La - If  you look up "things you're not supposed to say to __________ insert minority status, safe space seeker" here, the title to this show is in the top 5, of the kicked out of fake Catholic "society", list, but it needs to be said with Charity and backed up with prayers and mortifications. Greg Carpenter - Reverse Deception Radio - joins Mike for the final segment for […]

today05/10/2018 17


Is Your State Considered A Retirement Haven? – True Money Show

On this show, we'll have fun discussing: Where Are All The Guitar Heroes?; Have A Coke And A SMIIIIIILE; and How To Tell If Your Life Insurance Plan Is On Track Plus, this day in money history, the investor education minute, the financial weather report, the financial thought of the day, your questions and a whole lot more! Special New Feature: Get a head start on the Financial Question of […]

today05/09/2018 11


Sorry DeceptiCONS But There’s No Evidence Assad “Gassed His Own People” – Mike Church’s Interview With OAN’s Pearson Sharp

Mandeville, LA - Mike's interview with OAN's Pearson Sharp reveals shocking truth's from Sharp's reporting LIVE from Syria last month on the alleged chemical weapons attacks in Douma, Syria. Video Version of the Interview. Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 9:35 cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.veritasradionetwork.com Call the show 844-5CRUSADE ANNOUNCING THE 2ND ANNUAL GREAT GOLDEN TRUTH TICKET, CAR GIVEAWAY Founders Pass Members can take 10% […]

today05/09/2018 20

The Mike Church Show

Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Catholicism’s Scandalous “Bad Santa” – Mike Church Show

Mandeville, La - Fallout from Monday night's GAYla At The BAPHOmet, infamously co-hosted and attended by his excellency Timothy Cardinal Dolan of the Met's diocese of New York, is still spreading like fake conservative's glee over the return of Roseanne and nothing good will come from either. Mike's passionate defense of the traditional elements of the faith closes Segment 1 in zealous fashion! Brother André Marie adds his voice to the […]

today05/09/2018 70

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – You Gotta Be Kiddin Me!

Mandeville, La Today on the Barrett Brief we examine the 10 things the AP thinks you should know. Also we look at the latest business news and the daily stat of the day! Don't forget about the world famous "You Gotta Be Kiddin Me". Click here to download This Episode. Listen to the Crusade Channel Now! Join the Crusade Channel and never miss a moment of truth.Dude, You Found Us! The CRUSADE […]

today05/09/2018 11


“Catholic” Gala At The Met Turns To Anti-Catholic, GAYla At The BAPHOmet

Mandeville, La - The last frontier of legal bigotry in 'Muricah is anti-Catholic bigotry and like the demons who inspire it, its ascendent and has come for the children child-less, Mammon loving "celebrities, Timothy Cardinal Dolan calls "supporters." Michael Hichborn from the LePanto Institute joins Mike for his regular Tuesday commentary. Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.veritasradionetwork.com Call the show 844-5CRUSADE ANNOUNCING […]

today05/08/2018 93

The Mike Church Show

It’s Marx’s, Material World, We Are Just Stuck Living In It – Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA - The New York Times wants you to celebrate the 200th birthday of Karl Marx; this has Mike wondering when the countdown to the 200th birthday celebration of Adolf Hitler begins? Brother André Marie joins to discuss why the Amazon "Smile program" is an anti-Catholic, corporatist scheme to fund the diabolical SPLC. Mike demolishes the Louisiana Conference of Bishops plea to continue pubic funding of Catholic School lunches...WHAT!? […]

today05/02/2018 68


What Is A “Wage” & Why Do We Spend Our Lives Trying To Increase It – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, La - Have you ever wondered if the whole paradigm of "profit/loss/wages/wealth/5th, 80inch flat-panel TV: may be of diabolical creation-designed to frustrate and keep from Grace, 98% of the population that pursues these "goals" as if they brought about the only "heaven" you'll ever see? Then you'll benefit from listening to this episode of the Mike Church Show. PLUS Michael Hichborn of The LePanto Institute breaks some big news […]

today05/01/2018 70