The Barrett Brief 16/04/2018
Mandeville, La - [purchase_link id="50953" style="button" color="green" text="Non Member Download" direct="true"]
Mandeville, La - [purchase_link id="50953" style="button" color="green" text="Non Member Download" direct="true"]
Mandeville, LA - Saint Helen went to Jerusalem in 326 after a dream that revealed the true cross of our Lord Jesus Christ was still there and waiting to be uncovered. Saint Helen felt this was a divine appointed and the results say she was correct. Fast forward 1,692 years and meet Carrie Gress, Megan Schreiber and Becky Carter, the women behind Helena Daily. Mike Church interviews Carrie and make sure […]
Mandeville, LA - The U.S. Government's official story of chemical weapons being used in Douma Syria by the government of Syria has collapsed. Journalists from The U.S. and the U.K. have investigated and filed reports from Douma and can find no one who was "gassed" nor any hearsay evidence that anyone was "gassed", much less by Bashar Assad, yet Pentagon media oracles continue peddling the story line while refusing to […]
Mandeville, LA - Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute joins Mike for his regular Tuesday update on the expanding corruptions inside the Catholic Church. Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines 9:04RP 9:25 9:54 Special Guest: Michael Hichborn founder of the Lepanto Institute Pope St. Pius V “If someone commits that nefarious crime against nature….he is to be given over to the secular arm of punishment [of death]. The Church has […]
Mandeville, LA - The Barrett Brief, hosted by Richard Barrett. This episode covers the Fake News case being manufactured to justify the bombing of Syria over an alleged chemical weapons attack.
Mandeville, LA - Daniel Miller of the Texas Nationalist Movement's new book, Texit, proposes a way forward for the Lone Star State to leave the 'Murican Union and resume their Independence, won from Mexico in the 1840's. Has it come time to Texit!?
Mandeville, LA - Mike has all the news and incredible revelations on the Trump admin's bombing of Syria including the likelihood that the "chemical weapon attack" was a hoax/false-flag operation. Featuring analysis from Reverse Deception Radio's Gregory Carpenter. Mike also interviews the founder of the Texas Nationalist Movement, Daniel Miller. Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:18 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE […]
Mandeville, LA - Someday the conservative echo chamber is going to listen to recordings of them encouraging their #MAGA duped groupies into feeling star-spangled awesome to "do something about Assad in Syria". The average 'Murican can watch sports, endure a newsbreak where they're told the President is about to "retaliate against Syria", think to themselves "its about time we led from the front", then go back to sports watching.... from […]
Mandeville, LA - Rebecca Heinrich at The Federalist tries and fails to make the case for waging war against the Syrian government of Bashar al Assad. Here's my Tweet on the matter. If you want to see what illogical, false equivocation looks like in print, read this monstrous abuse of Reason and Just-War thinking. For shame @FDRLST, for shame. #ThursdayThoughts — Mike Church (@TheKingDude) April 12, 2018 Doctor Wacasey […]