Amazon To Fleece The Government On A Front In Addition To Subisdised Postage?
Mandeville, LA - The Barrett Brief for Monday, April 9th 2018.
Mandeville, LA - The Barrett Brief for Monday, April 9th 2018.
Mandeville, LA - The Facebook hearings kicked off yesterday and Mike covered them from gavel to gavel and today gives his analysis. "Kabuki, dog and pony show, theater; well-planned in advance and well played by Mark Zuckerberg who appeared he was coached by CBS' Bull! Brother André Marie makes his Wednesday appearance to discuss the problem with young men as mass murderers: the attack on the family, told to Sister […]
Mandeville, LA - The show opens with Mike playing a clip from his August 16th, 2016 show covering President Trump's then candidate Trump statement on foreign policy. Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:19 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE 6:25 AUDIO: Candidate Trump on Nation Building - August 16, 2016 Nation Building - What is Nation Building? Stopping the spread of Communism Somalia […]
Mandeville, LA - [Editor's note: There was a mistake made in our audio recording chain this morning that caused the first 2 segments of today's show to not be recorded.] On the 30th Anniversary of Allan Bloom's The Closing of The American Mind, Mike explains why Bloom was right then and predicted the moral atrocities we would be living with today if Philosophy & Religion weren't rejoined in the University. […]
Mandeville, La - The Incorporation doctrine that makes atomic weapons and Howitzer guns the purview of the 2nd Amendment and the right of all humanity to bear them is once again on tap on the Mike Church Show. Listen here, here, here and here for previous attempts at Constitutional sanity including shows featuring Constitution scholar Dr. Kevin Gutzman and the Constitution Hour. Michael Hichborn of the LePanto Institute joins Mike […]
Mandeville, La - Mike is back in action after a brief, 2 day "spring break" and the guest roster is loaded with talent including Ignatius Press's Anthony Ryan & Brother Andre Marie! Plus Mike tackles the "conservative echo chamber's" ridiculous embrace of Roseanne because it is kinda-sorta-pro #MAGA-TRUMP Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:15 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE 6:25 HEADLINE: Crash […]
Mandeville, LA - [purchase_link id="50325" style="button" color="green" text="Non Member Download" direct="true"] PREMIUM SUBSCRIBER CONTENT-ALL Membership Levels
Mandeville, LA - The world is abuzz over La Republicca's report of an infamous atheists claim that the Holy Father told him there is no Hell. Almost every commenter has totally missed the real problem with the entire sordid affair: the Vatican's official response statement on the matter. Patrick J Buchanan gets it and so does Mike.....
All Christians know the story of the Passion of Christ but how many know the cause of his suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane?