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  1. Christopher C on 04/16/2016

    I’m just trying to figure out hwo to log on here too with my password! SO confused, it works on mikechurch but here I am a free nobody.

    • MikeChurch on 04/16/2016

      I have talked about this on air the last ten days, if you signed up at AFTER March 31, we have to manually moigrate your membership. No scam. No malice. Just an issue with the complexity of moving member data from 1 site to the other which is a laborious process. Tis why I have been on bended knee pleading for new members AND double secret probation pleading with those new members to signup HERE so we can avoid this issue. I’ve reset your credentials here and you should be all set. Thanks for becoming a Founders Pass member!

  2. Josue Hernandez on 07/07/2016

    Oh no… I only signed up for founders pass through because the veritas website had some sort of glich that wasn’t allowing me to complete the purchase. I just read this now:/ I leave town in just a couple days and I specifically signed up so I could download a few reconquest episodes before I leave on a month long pilgrimage. Anyway this can be fixed asap? I already called and left a message. My user name on the mike church website is joshualhernandez.

  3. Ronch G on 04/28/2020

    Two days of navigating the website drove me crazy. It was very confusing even to find where Mike’s show was live with video. Plus my name is spelled wrong. I love listening to Mike, but I will re-up my membership when your site gets an overhaul. Find a new website designer.

    • MikeChurch on 04/29/2020

      Well, since I am the web-designer, that would be me! You are the first to cite a confusing interface since the last major overhaul; perhaps you could help out the web-guy and tell him: what were you browsing on, desktop or mobile? Which model? Did the menus show below NOT work? Are the show listing on the menus impossible to read?



  4. Gabriella V on 08/16/2020

    Your website is a mess, I can’t login to your ipad app. Sorry I wont be paying for something where it is impossible to find content. When you improve your site, I will return.

    • jadechampagne on 08/17/2020

      Over 1,000 members logged in last week and over 7,500 files were downloaded so we know the site works. Could you please be more specific about your problems and we’ll be happy to help get them resolved? BTW you can always call for support and get any issue addressed with a real, live person from the U.S.: 844-527-8723

  5. Travis M on 12/27/2022

    Mike! I bought a subscription yesterday and errantly entered an email I don’t have access to. Should I cancel and reorder?

  6. Mark S on 05/16/2023

    The cancel membership link is not a link. Please fix so I can cancel my membership pronto, it takes less than a minute. I want my membership cancelled.
    Thank you.
    Viva Cristo Rey!