The Mike Church Show

Catholic Church Leaders Are Head To Toe Ulcers

today07/18/2023 102

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The Book of Job – could be turned into a movie but it would be a super depressing movie.

HEADLINE: Your Catholic Week in Review (The Suffering of Job Edition!) by Michael Hichborn 

  • Saint Francis Xavier – baptized over 30,000 people. 
  • Many people say it was closer to 100,000 people.
  • So God permitted the devil to afflict Job with such a terrible disease that his entire body was one massive open wound, from the top of his head to the bottoms of his feet.  Job was so distraught that he sat upon a dunghill where his own wife told him to “curse God and die,” and where three friends of his reproached him incessantly, demanding that he falsely confess to whatever sin had caused his great suffering. 
  • There are many ways to read the Book of Job, and such depth to it that one could read it a thousand times and glean some new insight each time.  But let us suppose that the Book of Job could be read where Job stands as a type of the Church in Her trials.
  • Consider first the narrative between God and the devil.  The devil is permitted to test Job, but he could not do it without first obtaining God’s permission.  This conversation was echoed in conversation Pope Leo XIII was permitted to overhear, wherein the devil boasted that he could destroy the Church if he had more time and more power.  The devil asked for 75 to 100 years and “more power over those who would give themselves over to me,” and Our Lord granted him both the time and the power.  This was on October 13, 1884, exactly 33 years to the day before the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima.
  • The discussion of the HOMOSEXUAL act will shut down each conversation if you describe the sexual act.
  • It isn’t all fun and pretty and colored in rainbows.
  • The vile nature of that act would repulse many humans.
  • No one wants to hear about two men having butt sex.
  • You cannot alter a Sacrament – 
  • They are going to try and do this, but how will they do this?

HEADLINE: Archbishop Hebda Taps Controversial Figure for Synod by Michael Hichborn 

Abp. Hebda – gave his personal recommendation to Cynthia Bailey Manns

“I must help destroy the power structures of patriarchy, clericalism, and absolutism which lead to the exclusion, silence, and repression of certain people and voices in our larger Catholic Church.”  —-  Cynthia Bailey Manns

  • Additional footage from St. Joan of Arc also shows Buddhist monks performing a pagan chant before the Mass for the Second Sunday in Advent, an Earth Day celebration calling the earth “our mother” and declaring that “humans belong to the earth,” and ends in a statement from Manns herself wherein she declares herself to be in a state of “Holy Rebellion,” saying, “It is my strength courage and resistance to destroy the status quo.” 
  • Saint Joan de Arc was noted for her purity, she encouraged regular confession, and she chased away all prostitutes from the fighting men.
  • 1948 film w/ Ingrid Bergman – 

Written by: Justin Redman