“Filthy” Convert: Why Justin Timberlake Should Convert To The Catholic Faith

today02/09/2018 43

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Mandeville, LA – Free Phone Friday at its best! Lots of great calls, Debbie Schlussel’s Movie Reviews and Mike’s “crafty” plea for Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biehl to save the Free World by converting to Catholicism—PUBLICLY. Don’t laugh, LISTEN!

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:13 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on February 9, 2018

Call the show 844-5CRUSADE













HEADLINE: Pastor Begley: Melania Trump Demanded Spiritual Cleansing of White House, Removal of Pagan, Demonic Idols by Michael W. Chapman

  • So there were pagan items in the White House?
  • Sermon from Sermon Sunday – the capitol building and the original White House had both had Masonic corner stones laid as part of their foundations.
  • Who are the enemy of Masons?
  • President Truman – Masonic items in the walls


  • What separates a Priests hands vs Pastor Begley?
  • June 29th Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul
  • Consecration process of a Priests hands
  • Does anyone stop and think, what makes Holy water Holy?
  • The Anointing of Hands: After the first verse of the hymn the bishop rises and sits on the faldstool (wearing the mitre). He removes his gloves but puts the episcopal ring back on his finger. The gremiale is placed over his knees……(read more here) *in the Latin Rite, the Priests hands are bound
  • The First Blessing of Newly Ordained Priest
  • Donald Trump and Melania married she was holding a rosary







Caller Sandy from New Jersey:

Galileo and his persecution

  • Talking about consecrated hands (Priest) vs non-consecrated hands
  • Can a Deacon do a Baptism? Is it valid?
  • St. Benedict Center (controversy over baptism and it’s validity)
  • There is no salvation outside the Church – Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus
  • Trying to make a rule out of an exception
  • Brother Francis explanation any baptism is valid provided these few things occur –
  • ReConquest, with Brother Andre Marie Episode 109: Catholic Considerations on ‘Baptism of Desire’
7:14What can I possibly say that would be more beneficial than the conversation I just had with Sandy about salvation?
VRN sign-up special : WE are going you 50% off if you purchase a yearly Founders Pass Membership by using coupon code (join2018)
7:23 Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
  • Justin Timberlake and his video Filthy with the angry robot to promote our highlight reels from yesterday. (check it out here)
  • How big would it be if the Timberlakes converted? You know how many souls would be saved?
7:31Caller Roy in Ohio:

  • Huge fan of Charles Columbe
  • We complain about our Priest and Bishops (this is very similar to George Carlin)
  • AUDIO CLIP: George Carlin and politicians (garbage in garbage out)
7:41Reading text message from Junkbond – has been in Hawaii with Rocky Patel
The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager [email protected] and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group.





HEADLINE: FISA-Gate Is Scarier Than Watergate by Victor David Hanson

  • It all starts with us. We must being with our family.
  • Why is this scandalous? Because we expect them to be like Founders Fathers
  • Alien and Sedition Act
  • It’s simply a den of thieves
  • The scandal is because us MAGA people expect certain things
  • This is why scale is so important



Debbie Schlussel with weekend movie reviews: Debbie Does Politics

  • Up to 10” by midnight and we already have 6”
  1. The 15:17 of Paris they simply didn’t allow us to screen it
  2. 50 Shades Freed




 HEADLINE: Resistance is futile: Tillerson says unstoppable Russians already meddling in midterms

  • What do Russians have to gain by meddling in our elections?
  • “The point is, if it’s their intention to interfere, they are going to find ways to do that. We can take steps we can take, but this is something that, once they decide they are going to do it, it’s very difficult to preempt it,” Tillerson said.
  • This is absolute nonsense



On the Barrett Brief yesterday – pandemic American Female school teachers who believe they now have Constitutional right to have sex with junior high school children.

  • (pound me too) #MeToo

HEADLINE: Pickens teacher appealing conviction in sex case by Stephanie Taylor

 VRN sign-up special : WE are going you 50% off if you purchase a yearly Founders Pass Membership by using coupon code (join2018)
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8:45Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show

Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at








back to headline: Pickens Teacher Appealing

  • If you were old enough to be called up in the kings army, you were a MAN
  • I can put a gun in yours sons hand at 18 and send him to murder people, then I would venture to say he is a man….but you can’t have a beer.
  • How old was Mary of Nazareth when she was pregnant? Mary of Nazareth in Founders Tradin’ Post
  • Back in the day they could give their daughters to God. They would be trained in cleaning the tent outside the temple. You could only go into the tent if you were clean.
  • How old was Joan of Arc?
  • Teacher claims the law is not constitutional.





VIDEO: from Best Street Debates: TFP Student Action 

  • Who is going to correct these children? They obviously need our prayers.
  • These kids are all excited about sodomy!
  • They have separated the sex act from the term.
  • 76%+ of all sexually transmitted diseases are suffered by homosexual males
  • Where do the rest come from? Promiscuous females!
  • It’s not hurting anyone….really? So those diseases don’t hurt?
 9:17HEADLINE: Small Beer: Raising a Glass for Freedom by Joseph Pearce

  • Craft beer is the strangest, happiest economic story in America











Caller Dan from California:

  • I have been married since 1979
  • I ran into the Novus Ordo Mass not the Traditional


  • I think sometimes you are a little hard on the Novus Ordo people
  • Correction from previous show: 4 Eucharistic prayers
  • A liturgy is something that came about through tradition, the liturgy is not something that is dictated.
  • There should be NO confusion whatsoever in any part of any Catholic Mass said in any part of the world.
  • I truly mean no insult to N.O. goers, but I will continue to discuss the beauty of the Traditional
  • We are filled with cowardly men, we find that Bishops are more like politicians.
  • I believe this is because it is out of scale.
  • Fallibility of the Holy Father
  • The press having complete access to the Pope is where the problem is. We have to dig through what is HIS opinion and what is actual Church Doctrine.
  • What could you do to become a defender of the Truth as it is written?




 Caller Mitch in Missouri:

  • There is something very disappointing that I witnessed at a hockey game with my daughter – it was Pride Night
  • They cashed in on pride merchandise
  • They had drag queens on the big screen and people were cheering
  • It made we want to revert back to being a homophobe
The Veritas Radio Network also has a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected] All requests are annoymous unless otherwise specified.

Written by: candacechurch

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