The Fiorella Files

Fiorella Files Episode 59-Mary Beard, Robert Graves, Lyndsey Davies

today08/05/2021 89

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Fiorella Files Episode 59-Mary Beard, Robert Graves, Lyndsey Davies

Pompeii – Mary Beard

What was it like to live in a Roman town? What was it like to eat dormice (or not), watch gladiators being dispatched in the arena (or possibly not) and to walk down the clean, fragrant streets of Pompeii (definitely not) to do business in the forum? Mary Beard takes the reader on a journey back to the days before Mount Vesuvius erupted and buried Pompeii, killing many of its inhabitants. You will never see the Romans in the same light again. 

I, Claudius – Robert Graves

Murder, incest, murder, depravity, more murder, murder at the dining table, murder in the bedroom, murder in a sunny garden. This fictional account of the rise of Claudius the Stammerer to the unenviable position of Emperor Claudius, was made famous through the award-winning performance of Sir Derek Jacobi. It is as entertaining and eye-opening as on the day of its publication…but perhaps not for the children. 

The Body in the Bath House – Lyndsey Davies

Marcus Didius Falco has a fine new bath house. Pity about the appalling smell. Pity about the brand new mosaic he has to smash to find the source of the smell. Someone really didn’t want Falco to find the decomposing body so carefully concealed beneath the masonry but now Falco has a full-blown mystery on his hands. Whodunnit? Howdunnit? Whydunnit? And for that matter, who is the dead man anyway and what is his corpse doing in Falco’s bathhouse? This exciting mystery, set in Roman times, takes the reader to the chilly colony of Britannia and a building site where materials are going astray and an unfortunate number of men are having fatal accidents…

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Written by: Justin Redman

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