Its Advent & Christmas Is Next, Please Stop The Trans War On Children!

today12/03/2019 6

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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17m Creepy Joe Biden 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden “Corn Pop” FULL Speech

  • What if this was Mayor Pete Buttigeg?
  • What if Joe was a sodomite?
  • Would we give him a hall pass on saying something like this?








HEADLINE: At world’s first gender ‘detransition’ conference, women express regret over drugs, mutilation by Dorothy Cummings McLean


  • The first victims of this assault against God and His created order was women.
  • This person is saying “I will not serve as a _____ (woman or man).”
  • Transgenders competing in women’s sports – who would have thought this would be allowed?
  • QUESTION: Why did these older steroid players get such stiff penalties?
  • ANSWER: Because they didn’t want children attempting to mimic their athlete heroes. 
  • This is a 180 about-face 300,000 children are receiving these injections and steroids.
  • FROM THE CHATROOM: That is why they coin phrases like LOVE IS LOVE. Because it sounds sweet and innocent. Like why would you want to deny someone to be loved?
  • These people are paying for a surgical procedure that most women DREAD when they are told they have breast cancer.
  • Susan G Komen – Breast Cancer Foundation
  • Double Mastectomy – removing both breast b/c of cancer
  • FROM THE CHATROOM: Think about the amount of money men spend when they lose their hair, then you can judge a women for wanting to keep her form.

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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.



HEADLINE:  Britain’s First Transgender Couple to Allow Their 5-Year-Old Child To Begin Transition by Paul Joseph Watson

  • This couple denies they influenced their son into becoming a boy.
  • This child is 5 years old!
  • These people should be locked up for child abuse.
  • We are no better then the Aztecs that practiced human sacrifice. 
  • 2,519 referrals as young as 3 years old!
1h12m HEADLINE: The Mystery of Fiorella de Maria: Meeting a Catholic Crime Novelist on Baker Street by KV Turley

Fiorella de Maria – writes all of our 5 Minute Mysteries



HEADLINE: 21 Reasons Not To Believe Christine Blasey Ford’s Claims About Justice Kavanaugh by Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino

HEADLINE: 15 Years Later, Tawana Brawley Has Paid 1 Percent Of Penalty by Mark Memmott

  • So you have Pete Buttigeg and Elizabeth Warren have Tweeted they “still believe her”.
  • ACLU’s COURAGE award
  • She gained over $1 Million dollars from her GoFundMe accounts, a book deal a more.
  • Why is she lawyered up?
  • Why did she have to be accompanied by lawyers for her polygraph?
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8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


 Women and Fertility

HEADLINE: Military women are expected to be ‘good soldiers’ and have abortions. Pete Buttigieg’s plan would make it worse for them. by Nancy Flanders

  • Teach women when they are fertile.
  • You teach young women when they are most fertile.
  • Teach them the consequences of sex.
  • Career advancement – when women have to leave their post b/c of pregnancy


Caller Robert from Houston – 

In the military for 13 years – was medically retired.

  • Had women under my command and our pregnancy rate was through the roof.
  • We had men and women right next to each other, what do you think is going to happen?
  • Your career in the military – Major and below, if you bring this up your career is over.
  • They get pregnant and are put on light duty or desk work. They have the baby and are on leave for another 9. Then they get pregnant again…it’s a vicious cycle all paid for by the taxpayer. 
  • We were working on mass graves. This kind of stuff scars people for LIFE! 
  • Why would you encourage your daughters to enlist?
  • QUESTION: Why were you digging up massive graves?










 Special Guest Michael Hichborn founder of the Lepanto Institute

Follow Michael Hichborn here: 

  • A listener contacted his Pastor about the CCHD and his concerns w/ this organization.
  • Mike reads emailed response – 
  • Why is the CCHD getting involved in elections?
  • Why are they backing a person that supports and promotes an infanticide candidate?
  • All money is fungible.
  • Dropping a stone inside a fishtanks that is filled to the top. It doesn’t matter where in the tank it goes, the water level will still rise.
  • 2010 their position on same sex marriage is why they severed the relationship.
  • What we actually found were items from 2011 showing the opposite.
  • AUSCP – Association of United States Catholic Priests 
  • So he is saying the Lepanto Institute is doing more harm than this group that is promoting women Priests, and so on.
  • This is an assault from the INSIDE!
  • Your Excellency – everything we talked about on the AUSCP is directly from THIER WEBSITE!
  • We have no need to make anything up!
  • They offer this information freely and publicly. 
  • Back in June is when they had their last public meeting.
  • The Bishop is Archbishop Lester – 
  • Father Eduard Perrone – Detroit
  • Rosary LIVE App – TheRosary.Live (only available in the iTunes Store)
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Meta-tags for show

Michael Hichborn, Lepanto Institute, CCHD, AUSCP, USCCB, military industrial complex, Pete Buttigeg, LGBT, Joe Biden, Creepy Joe, Dorothy Cummings McLean, sodomite, transgender, Susan G Komen, Double Mastectomy, Paul Joseph Watson, KV Turley, Fiorella de Maria, 5 Minute Mysteries, fertility, pregnancy, abortion, Mark Memmott, Christine Blasey Ford, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, #MeToo, #BelieveHer, Nancy Flanders, ACLU, Courage Award, Elizabeth Warren

Written by: jadechampagne

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