The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Asks You To Join Our Novena For the Veritas Network

today10/05/2016 26

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Mandeville, LAThis note appears from our founder Mike Church and does not represent the views of all contractors, volunteers and hosts on the Veritas Radio Network and The CRUSADE Channel.

A few friends have asked me for the text of my Novena for The Veritas Radio Network’s Crusade Channel so they can join this 9 day prayer which I began Tuesday, 4 October. Here it is, if you’d like to say it. I make no claim of being a theologian or prelate so forgive any error of ommission, lack of Charity or fit of Pride.

“O’ Blessed St Joseph and St Pope Pius X, simple men who became simple servants of God by carrying out their vocations with humility and Charity, not for their benefit but for the benefit of others. With a humble heart, i ask for you to please intercede for us on behalf of the Veritas Radio Network and the CRUSADE Channel that our simple vocation may be made pleasing to God and that he might Bless us with the financial resources needed to continue our work; for an increase in the labor needed to continue; and for an increase in listeners that is measurable. Please, beloved Saints Pope Pius X and St. Joseph, bring our petitions to Almighty G-d the Father in the name of his Son, Jesus for he will not refuse you this favor. Please, Saint Pope Pius X and St. Joseph, with humility I beg you to not refuse me this favor.


Pater Noster (Our Father)
Ave Maria (Hail Mary)
Gloria (Glory Be)”


Written by: jadechampagne

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