Mike Church Show- Make Idaho Great Again! Idaho Votes To Help Oregon Patriots Secede From Cult Of Death

today02/20/2023 260

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel

The Krewe of Bacchus Parade

HEADLINE: Five shot during Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans by Dennis Romero and Claudia Johnson 

  • Over 20 shots were fired in rapid succession. 
  • There were 6 neighboring Police departments that typically help w/ parade security all declined to help the NOPD this season citing the rise in crime in NOLA.


Maggie’s Father – Used to work w/ Vinyl Chloride at a plant in Westlake, LA

  • You could go 18 years on one set of barring on a train car. 
  • The carts only go under inspection every 10 years.
  • He said it will stay in the air for at least a few weeks to a month.

HEADLINE: Northern Kentucky closes water intake to prevent any contamination from derailment by WLWT Digital Staff

  • Said they detected very LOW levels in the river.
  • Well were the levels there BEFORE the Ohio railway incident and no one noticed?

Gonzalo Lira Twitter: Ontario Snow is melting and it’s leaving a weird chemical sheen on the roadways. 

  • President Donald Trump made an announcement that he was going to Palestine Ohio.
  • Now all the sudden FEMA has decided it is going to spend some money there.
 Nikki Haley Running for Presidency 

  • She is NOT a Natural Born Citizen.
  • Everyone is telling me, look they don’t follow the Constitution and thus this is a mute point.
  • Shouldn’t we at least ACT like the Constitution is important?

HEADLINE: How a Modern Publius Proved Ted Cruz And Now Nikki Hayley Are NOT a Natural-Born Citizens via the Mike Church Show

Here is an example – John McCain was actually born in Germany but b/c he was born of a naturalized citizen in the time of war to a military parent that was deployed this wasn’t an issue.

Book Law of Nations – this is fully covered.



HEADLINE: Idaho House Approves Talks To Annex Oregon Counties by Victoria Marshall 

Idaho –  11 Oregon counties, or 63 percent of the state’s landmass, into Idaho. The rationale for such a move is that the leftist residents of northwest Oregon — Portland, Salem, Eugene — control the politics of the state, and therefore rural, conservative residents in eastern and southern Oregon are effectively silenced on matters of state governance.

  • The land of the free and mobile home of the brave – you can’t say this state sucks and we don’t want to be apart of it anymore….you can’t dot that!
  • The answer is always no right?
  • Article 4 – you must have permission of the state and the permission of Congress to do so.
  • North Dakota and South Dakota used to be just Dakota.
  • South Western border of Idaho is what?
  • It is wonderful to hear there are people out there willing to do what is necessary to chart new sovereignties. 
 Ross McKnight Men’s Gathering on Saturday

For Altar, Culture and Trade – Theme of this years Congress

 HEADLINE: The Revolt Against Humanity Describes a Future Without God by John Horvat II
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 Traveling to Florida Later Today – 
 HEADLINE: Catholic bishop was murdered: LAPD says 69-year-old David O’Connell’s death is being probed as homicide after 45-year church veteran was shot dead at home during the afternoon by Melissa Koenig 

  • 700,000 people have left the state of California.
  • Over half of them from Los Angeles County alone since January 2020.
1h35mHEADLINE: Spain decriminalizes sex acts with animals as long as no physical injury occurs by Joshua Young 

  • The perversions just get bigger and bigger b/c sexual perversions have to progress.
  • Just like a killer/rapists will always progress in violence of the crimes until he is caught.
1h53mSpecial Guest Matthew R Plese

Author of The Definitive Guide to Catholic Fasting and Abstinence 

The Fellowship of St. Nicholas – a joint venture with him, Timothy Flanders and Sensus Fidelium

HEADLINE: ANNOUNCEMENT: New Trad Fasting Sodality by Matthew Plese 

  • Fasting is a weapon in which keeps the Devil away.
  • The more you fast the closer your Guardian Angel is to you.
  • Annual Fasting Calendar 2023 Traditional Catholic Fasting and Abstinence Calendar
  • Eucharistic Fasting – 
  • 1953 and then again in 1957 – this was changed
  • Just because these practices were done away with, doesn’t mean devout Catholics can’t do this type of fasting our fore fathers did.
  • Telegram Group – The Fellowship of St Nicholas
  • Lent is a badge of Christian Honor 
  • 1741 Pope Benedict the 14th – What was going on that was taxing the daily life of someone in Christendom. 
  • There was always war and an agrarian lifestyle.

HEADLINE: Forgotten Customs of St. Valentine’s Day by Matthew Plese 

  • Abstinence remains for LIFE there are no age distinctions.

HEADLINE: A History of Holy Days of Obligation & Fasting for American Catholics: Part 1 by Matthew Plese 

If the Church says FASTING – what does the Church actually mean?

FASTING – how much and how often you are eating (ie one meal a day)

ABSTINENCE – what you can and cannot eat (ie on Friday’s no meat on that day)

 Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Austin Texas 

  • They block off the street for their burning tires etc.
  • Cops arrive at the scene.
  • They are pushed back by the onlookers and then the crowd fires bottle rockets at the cars.

New Orleans Louisiana

  • The Mayor Cantrell decides in her drunken stupor to flip off constituents. 
2h38mHEADLINE: Has the Pandemic Led to an Agricultural Breakthrough? by Carol Miller 

  • Turns out that was the second part of their research after proving that nanobodies will work in agriculture: creating an affordable delivery system. And they’ve done that.
  • How do you get the nano-bots out of the food to make them safe for consumption?
  • What about when it rains over these nano-bodies farms?
  • The runoff will have nano-bodies right? 
  • Consider how many invasive pests have harmed American agriculture over the years. Citrus greening has so devastated an entire industry, it sparked USDA to restructure its research teams. If it had worked closely with international researchers, pooling its own talent regardless of geography, it may have been able to stop citrus greening before it reached Florida. Or barring that, it might have developed an effective treatment years ago.
  • BioSolutions Conference – why does this even exist?
  • These people are mad scientist! 
2h54mGeorge Web Substack

HEADLINE: Surveillance Balloons – My Six Year Struggle To Tell The American People About Spy Sats And Spy Balloons by George Webb 

  • Did you know they can now “dust” us w/ nanobots from low space orbit?
  • The Karman Line – 100Kilometers above the Earth. 
  • Anything ABOVE that is considered space.
  • The Spy Balloon wasn’t Chinese it was Ukrainian and it wasn’t shot down it by our military. 
  • Are they creating the drought over California?
  • If you can make it rain can you make it stop raining?
  • At World Series game they dropped one of these out of low Earth orbit.
  • The Nationals in 2019 – they deployed nanobots during this game?
  • January 6th – that might explain how the government who isn’t really efficient at anything knew EXACTLY who was at the Capital.
 HEADLINE: Biden Admin Negotiates Deal to Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies by Kevin Stocklin 

  • Who runs the majority of hospitals these days?
  • It ain’t the Catholic church it is mega-corporations.
  • From the nano bodies on the veggies to the nano bodies from spy balloons, this is all happening folks.
  • How does a Senator own stakes in spy balloons?
  • Adam Schiff – 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: John Kirby on Fox News SundayThese missiles are $400,000/each and we used 2 of them to shoot down a $12 hobby balloon. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Mayorkas asked about Rep calling for his impeachment and whether he thinks he has done anything wrongNo I don’t. I believe this is a policy issue and it is a migration challenge. 

 HEADLINE: 2024 – Nothing Matters But This by Elizabeth Nickson 

Seth Keshel – In 2020, Trump won the White House, the Senate should be 62R, and the House with a Republican Supermajority. 

  • Keshel is a former Captain of Military Intelligence and statistical analyst. By analyzing the trends of voter registrations versus actual votes, he discovered which counties votes aligned with population and registration trends. His work can be found here. It is gold-standard and widely accepted.

HEADLINE: It Took 51 Years, But Zodiac’s 340 Cipher has Finally Been Cracked by Barrie 360

BACK to Substack – 

  • Those working deep in swing state voter rolls can tell you with 100% certainty that unless Trump or DeSantis wins with a 5%-to-18% margin in swing states, they will lose every one. 
  • Every swing state has between 5% and 18% of its election rolls — people, addresses — that are deliberately wrong, misspelled, incorrect, written without an apartment number — scores of opportunities for inserting fraudulent voters.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rand Paul makes the dean of Johns Hopkins Nursing squirm about Covid mandates:

BACK to Substack – 

 AUDIO/VIDEO: Ron Paul aged 87 in DC at Rage Against the War Machine Rally  Stealing the wealth from the people.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Ron Paul 87 in DC at Rage Against the War Machine RallyWe can end this war in Ukraine just by ending the Fed. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Two homos explain how they “picked out their egg donor” aka the MOTHER of this child.We wanted her to have lovely big eyes, I wanted her to have really thick hair….

3h10mHEADLINE: The Revolt Against Humanity Describes a Future Without God  by John Horvat II 

The Last of Us – something you ate had Indian Flour in it turned you into a zombie.

(side note don’t watch the 3rd episode 

  BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
Meta-tags for showThe Last of Us, John Horvat II, Indian flour, Rand Paul, Ron Paul, Barrie 360, Zodiac killer, Elizabeth Nickson, Seth Keshel, Donald Trump, COVID, Rage Against the War Machine Rally, Gov Ron DeSantis, Johns Hopkins Nursing, Claudia Johnson, Mardi Gras, Krewe of Bacchus, vinyl chloride, NOPD, Nikki Hayley, natural born citizen, LGBTQ, egg donor, John Kirby, Mayorkas, Adam Schiff, Kevin Stocklin, Joe Biden, Zelensky, Ukraine, immigration, voter fraud

Written by: Justin Redman