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Mike Church Show-I Think Trump Ultimately Wins But There Is Something Disturbing How Close We Are To “Regime Change”

today11/10/2020 21

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    Mike Church Show-I Think Trump Ultimately Wins But There Is Something Disturbing How Close We Are To “Regime Change” LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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  • Election Fraud
  • COVID Vaccine
  • Joe Biden/Kamala Harris 
23m QUESTION:  Who has heard the term “This Will Lead To Bloodshed”?

  • Whether we like it or not Harris is a member of Congress.
  • What do we do here to fix this problem?
  • There will be another attempt to a coup de tat.
  • President Trump is close to something because the Democrats are going FULL nuclear option here w/ this massive voter fraud.

HEADLINE: The Beginning Of A Great Emergency by Rod Dreher

  • They wanted FAKE Nationalization.
  • The War of Northern Aggression 
  • They wanted the South to become what the North had become.
  • Ballot Harvesting must be stopped. Someone needs to investigate how 100,000 ballots get dropped overnight in Wisconsin?
  • You must be converted or destroyed – this is the mantra of the left.
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

 HEADLINE: How Jefferson Counted Himself In by Bruce Ackerman and David Fontana  





 Special Guest Matt Gaspers

Managing Editor of Catholic Family News

Jenna Ellis – Presidential lawyer 

BREAKING NEWS – Real Clear Politics has walked back Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina and Nevada.

HEADLINE: Abp. Viganò to American People: “Wield the Powerful Weapon of the Holy Rosary”, Do Not Lose Heart by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano

  • The USCCB congratulated President-Elect on all their social media pages.
  • These guys are supposed to be Catholic.
  • They are supposed to know you cannot promote/support a promoter of abortion.

HEADLINE: Abp. Viganò Denounces Alliance Between Deep State and Deep Church Amidst Election Fraud by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano

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 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
















Special Guest William Briggs

Statistician to the Stars

HEADLINE: Do Not Buy The Manufactured Second-Wave Panic: Coronavirus Update XXXIX by William Briggs

  • We cannot keep waiting for ZERO new deaths from COVID before getting back to ‘normal’.

HEADLINE: More Anomalies In Late Vote Additions In Pennsylvania by William Briggs


  • They heard it was created to detect fraud and it was.
  • The numbers you put into this algorithm must be LARGE and consistant.
  • Some mechanism where you would expect uniformity.
  • The smaller the sample the greater the variability. 
  • If you are issuing parking tickets and they are numbered sequentially, then go back and look at them that would violate Benford’s Law b/c that is just counting data.
  • It isn’t a universal tool.

HEADLINE: Two Statistical Curiosities That Allowed Biden To Pull Ahead In PA: Please Share. Update With Benford’s Law Criticism by William Briggs

  • They deducted over 10,000 votes from Trump in Pennsylvania. 
  • They have to explain the major additions of Biden votes at the same time.
  • This is from Philly Magazine – Mitt Romeny/Barack Obama election had a 97% voter turnout. 

HEADLINE: Did Dead People Vote in Philadelphia? by Larry Mendte 

HEADLINE: Philly turnout beats 2016, unlikely to match Obama levels by Layla A Jones

  • There is some indication, look at the physical ballots themselves and the distribution of the markings themselves.
  • If the Dems wanted to cheat better to fill out NOT JUST the Presidential race but to fill out the WHOLE ballot.
  • Russia somehow stole the election from Hillary to Trump w/ no evidence, they can’t tell you how but Russia did it and it is factual yet they are telling us to just believe the recent poll numbers.
  • THE Supreme Court may have to decide this.
  • The VP presides over the electoral college votes.
  • This has happened 3 times!!!! –  
 HEADLINE: Biden coronavirus adviser Dr. Zeke Emanuel once argued it’s not worth living past 75 by Evie Fordham
  AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Hawaii – the laundry list of what Kamala Harris did when she was in California.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Liz Harrington RNC National Spokesperson – “The evidence of people attempting to steal this election from President Trump. What happened in PA is completely unconstitutional.”
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Jody Hice GA – “The county in several counties have changed votes due to ‘glitches’ in the Dominion voting machines, counting has in-fact stopped until we can get a handle on the full aspect. I expect some serious change in numbers.”
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Sen Mitch McConnell – “Let’s not have any lectures from the same characters who just spent 4 years refusing to accept the validity of the last election.”
  AUDIO/VIDEO: WarRoom snippet on Biden and Trump Election 
3h32mBACK TO HEADLINE: How Jefferson Counted Himself In ———

  1. First, it did not occur to them that candidates would run for the presidency on competing national-party tickets, so they never imagined the scenario that elected the Federalist Adams and the Republican Jefferson in 1796. If this system had still obtained in 2000 (it didn’t because the process was changed with the adoption of the Twelfth Amendment, in 1804), then Al Gore might have been George W. Bush’s Vice President.
  2. The second blunder was to authorize a Vice President, as president of the Senate, to preside over electoral-vote counts for a presidential election in which he himself might be running. This meant that Adams in 1796 (when, as Washington’s Vice President, he was running against Jefferson) and Jefferson in 1800 (when, as Adams’s Vice President, he was running against Adams) were in a position to preside over their own election results, putting them in a situation where they might have been tempted to elect themselves to the presidency by manipulating the vote count.
  3. The Constitution isn’t clear on the vote-counting process. Here’s all it says: “The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and the House of Representatives, open all the Certificates and the Votes shall then be Counted.” But what happens if the Senate president discovers a legal difficulty in a ballot submitted by a state? Although he is assigned to “open” the ballots, he is not expressly authorized to make a final judgment on the validity of the votes; and although vote-counting occurs in the “presence” of the two houses, they are not expressly granted any sort of decision-making authority in the event of a dispute. The Founders failed to provide clear rules for how to proceed in this situation—a high-stakes moment when passions might flare. The vote-counting ritual could easily end with a disputed ruling from the chair, bitter protest from Congress, and no clear decision on who had won election as the next President of the United States.
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Meta-tags for show

Thomas Jefferson, Constitution, VP Pence, President Trump, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, George W Bush,  George Washington, COVID, Rod Dreher, David Fontana, Bruce Ackerman, Matt Gaspers, ballot harvesting, Matt Gaspers, Archbishop Vigano, Rep Jody Hice, Sen Mitch McConnell, Liz Harrington, Evie Fordham, Tulsi Gabbard, Layla Jones, Larry Mendte, Dr. Zeke Emanuel, William Briggs, Benford’s Law, Matt Gaspers, Catholic Family News

Written by: LoneRhody

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