
11 Results / Page 1 of 2

Oil prices

Oil prices plunge as Omicron’s rapid spread dims fuel demand outlook

Oil prices plunge as Omicron's rapid spread dims fuel demand outlook Via Oil prices slumped on Monday as surging cases of the Omicron coronavirus variant in Europe and the United States stoked investor worries that new restrictions to combat its spread could dent fuel demand. Brent crude futures fell $2, or 2.7%, to settle at $71.52 a barrel, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures fell $2.63, or […]

today12/20/2021 27

booster shots

Dr. Robert Malone Issues An Urgent Warning To Parents: Consider This Before Vaccinating Your Children From Covid

From Dr. Malone's Substack: The data are clear. Officials have reported110 Omicron cases as of Saturday in the USA. Of the 66 people for whom vaccination status has been reported, 52 were fully vaccinated and many of those had been boosted. What we don’t know is whether or not those people who have already had COVID-19 actually caught Omicron, but it was so mild that they weren’t aware of it […]

today12/16/2021 56


SHOCKING: Vaccinated English Adults Dying Twice The Rate of Unvaccinated of Same Age

Here is the source of the story. Alex Berenson comments on the data: I have checked the underlying dataset myself and this graph is correct. Vaccinated people under 60 are twice as likely to die as unvaccinated people. And overall deaths in Britain are running well above normal. I don’t know how to explain this other than vaccine-caused mortality. The graph in question: The BLUE line clearly shows a death […]

today11/20/2021 26

Formerly Catholic Lithuania Falls Into The Most Diabolical Mandatory Corona Jab Authoritarian State

Formerly Catholic Lithuania Falls Into The Most Diabolical Mandatory Corona Jab Authoritarian State From the Twitter Thread Reader app comes the story of Gluboco Lietuva, a husband and father of 2. Recall that Lithuania resisted the Rainbow Purification League at every turn and remained "Catholic Lithuania" until this very late, obviously demonic assault. Lithuania is also home to one of the most prolific pilgrimage sites, The Hill of Crosses. In […]

today10/25/2021 9

Continental Army

Lies: George Washington Did NOT Order “The Entire Continental Army Get Vaccinated”

Lies: George Washington Did NOT Order "The Entire Continental Army Get Vaccinated" Sometimes my former life as a historian comes in handy. I fell in love with then resolved to put back into print, Washington Irving's magnum opus The Life of Washington (my edition is available here in a magnificent hardback version!). In combing volume I and II, I had to make modern Irving's footnotes, check them and generally edit […]

today09/09/2021 13



Jenn “Peppermint Psaki” Psaki Blathers Out That Biden Will Talk About “The Plandemic” To Israeli PM!

Jenn "Peppermint Psaki" Psaki Blathers Out That Biden Will Talk About "The Plandemic" To Israeli PM! We captured the audio before the Cabal had it deleted. Pirate media, #FTW. She says "Plandemic". Our Readers And Listeners Keep Us In Print & On The Air! Click here to subscribe to The CRUSADE Channel’s Founders Pass Member Service & Gain 24/7 Access to Our Premium, New Talk Radio Service. What Is […]

today08/26/2021 111


New UK-NHS Study Demolishes The Already Flimsy Case For “Vaccine Passports”

The IK's NIH has published the results of a 6 week long study that measures the infection and symptomatic spread of the "Delta Variant" SARS-CoV2 and the results are devastating for those promoting "vaccine passports" as "the only way to ensure public health and safety". There is now "scientific proof" that the #vexxine cult's #FrankenJab does NOTHING to prevent the #DeltaDoom: @FamedCelebrity — Mike Church-Michael I The Republic […]

today08/07/2021 13


California Is Officially An “Aliens” Horror Film

California Is Officially An "Aliens" Horror Film I could not make through this PSA from the L.A. Unified Mental Ward For The Juvenile Insane. This child who has almost 0.0% chance of "getting sick" and dying from the CoronaHoax™ is terrified to go back to school but don't worry, L.A. has your PPE, scared child in a permanent bubble on literal lockdown. If you know someone in L.A. who is […]

today03/01/2021 10

Mask Study

On the Suppressed Danish Mask Study

On the Suppressed Danish Mask Study by Mike Church The fantastic and reliable Swiss Policy Research Doctor's website has been a fountain of information for The CRUSADE Channel's readers and their readers around the globe since February and the onset of the Wuhan Flu "pandemic". This piece, published on 23 October, outlines the results of a new, Danish study on the efficacy of the public wearing face-diapers. Though the doctors […]

today10/31/2020 19