
56 Results / Page 2 of 7


Meat producer JBS says expects most plants working Wednesday

Meat producer JBS says expects most plants working Wednesday Via AP News: The world’s largest meat processing company is getting back online after production around the world was disrupted by a cyberattack just weeks after a similar incident shut down a U.S. oil pipeline. Brazil’s JBS SA said late Tuesday that it had made “significant progress” in dealing with the cyberattack and expected the “vast majority” of its plants to […]

today06/02/2021 10


Study: Anti-Depressant Drugs in the Water Making Fish Cowardly and Nervous

Study: Anti-Depressant Drugs in the Water Making Fish Cowardly and Nervous   Via Summit News: An increasing amount of anti-depressant drug residue in the water is making fish cowardly and nervous, according to a new study. Lund University’s Jerker Vinterstare studied how the behavior of crucian carp fish when exposed to such pharmaceuticals was similar in nature to their natural stress response to being threatened by a predator. In his […]

today04/07/2021 4


Amazon looks to expand its telehealth footprint

Amazon looks to expand its telehealth footprint Via The tech giant is expanding Amazon Care — which currently provides its Washington-based employees with access to virtual and in-person health services — to its workers nationwide. And it plans to offer the service to other companies as a workplace benefit for their own employees. Amazon says the program's follows a "successful launch" for its tens of thousands of Washington workers […]

today03/19/2021 4

Online Health Insurance

Biden To Reopen Online Health Insurance Marketplaces

Biden To Reopen Online Health Insurance Marketplaces Via Reuters: U.S. President Joe Biden will reopen the nation’s online health insurance marketplace for people who cannot obtain coverage through their employers, the White House said on Thursday. Biden, who took office last week, will restore access to with an executive order on Thursday afternoon, the latest in a blizzard of moves by the Democratic president to quickly reverse the policies […]

today01/28/2021 19

Pandemic Deaths

U.S. Plans For First COVID Vaccines As “Pandemic Deaths” Surge Again

U.S. Plans For First COVID Vaccines As "Pandemic Deaths" Surge Again Via Reuters: Top U.S. health officials announced plans on Tuesday to begin vaccinating Americans against the coronavirus as early as mid-December, as nationwide deaths hit the highest number for a single day in six months. Some 20 million people could be inoculated against COVID-19 by the end of 2020 and most Americans will have access to highly effective vaccines […]

today12/02/2020 16

COVID Passport

‘COVID Passport’ To Prove Vaccination In Final Stages Of Development

'COVID Passport' To Prove Vaccination In Final Stages Of Development Via Just The News: Very soon, you'll be hearing this question: "Where are your papers?" Well, sort of. A top travel industry association is the final stages of developing a digital passport for international travelers so they can prove they've been vaccinated for COVID-19.  The International Air Transport Association said Saturday that the passport could be key to saving the tourism industry.  […]

today11/30/2020 8


Biden Fractures Ankle While Playing With One Of His Pet Dogs

Biden Fractures Ankle While Playing With One Of His Pet Dogs Via Just The News: Joe Biden suffered a hairline fracture in his ankle this weekend while playing with one of his pet dogs, his doctor said Sunday. “It is anticipated that he will likely require a walking boot for several weeks,” Dr. Kevin O’Connor said. The incident occurred Saturday, and the 78-year-old Democrat was taken Sunday to see a doctor, in "an abundance of caution," his […]

today11/30/2020 63

Coronavirus Vaccine

Trump Says Coronavirus Vaccine Deliveries To Begin Next Week

Trump Says Coronavirus Vaccine Deliveries To Begin Next Week Via Reuters: U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday that delivery of the coronavirus vaccine would begin next week and the week after. Speaking to U.S. troops overseas via video link to mark the Thanksgiving holiday, Trump said the vaccine would initially be send to front-line workers, medical personnel and senior citizens.   What Is The Crusade Channel? The CRUSADE Channel, […]

today11/28/2020 18

Antibody Therapy

FDA Issues Emergency Use Authorization For COVID-19 Antibody Therapy

FDA Issues Emergency Use Authorization For COVID-19 Antibody Therapy Via Just The News: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency use authorization on Monday that will permit treating some COVID-19 sufferers with the antibody therapy known as bamlanivimab. A press release described the drug as an "investigational monoclonal antibody therapy" and noted that it is not authorized for people hospitalized for COVID-19 or who are in need of oxygen therapy because of the COVID-19. It […]

today11/10/2020 8