
1005 Results / Page 78 of 112


President Trump And Wife Melania Test Positive For COVID19

President Trump And Wife Melania Test Positive For COVID19 Via Reuters: President Donald Trump, who minimized the threat of the coronavirus pandemic for months, said on Friday that he and his wife Melania had tested positive for COVID-19 and were going into quarantine, upending the race for the White House. “We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!” the president said in a […]

today10/02/2020 11

Mass Media

Gallup Poll: Americans Remain Distrustful of Mass Media

Gallup Poll: Americans Remain Distrustful of Mass Media Via Gallup: At a time when Americans are relying heavily on the media for information about the coronavirus pandemic, the presidential election and other momentous events, the public remains largely distrustful of the mass media. Four in 10 U.S. adults say they have "a great deal" (9%) or "a fair amount" (31%) of trust and confidence in the media to report the […]

today10/01/2020 24

Senate Confirmation

79% Think Barrett’s Senate Confirmation Is Likely

79% Think Barrett’s Senate Confirmation Is Likely Via Rasmussen Reports: Voters aren’t convinced that federal Judge Amy Coney Barrett should sit on the U.S. Supreme Court, but a sizable majority expects her to be confirmed by the Senate. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 79% of Likely U.S. Voters think Barrett is likely to be confirmed as a Supreme Court justice, with 54% who say […]

today09/30/2020 7


Gallup: 54% Want Government To Solve More Problems in U.S.

54% Want Government To Solve More Problems in U.S. Via For the first time in Gallup's 28-year trend, a majority of Americans think the government should do more to solve the nation's problems. As the U.S. continues to struggle with the coronavirus pandemic, the resulting economic downturn, and racial injustice issues, 54% of U.S. adults favor increased government intervention, while 41% think the government is doing too much that […]

today09/29/2020 9


Adidas & Star Wars Releases New Chewbacca Shoes

Adidas & Star Wars Releases New Chewbacca Shoes Via Screenrant: Fans of Star Wars’ fluffiest yet deadliest smuggler can now show off their love with a designer pair of Chewbacca-themed sneakers from Adidas. This is just another addition to the ever-increasing roster of Star Wars-themed merchandise making its way to store shelves. Though not necessarily considered one of the “main three” in the Star Wars original trilogy, Chewie certainly has […]

today09/29/2020 6


Judge Upholds Law That Verities Absentee Ballots In Iowa

Judge Upholds Law That Verities Absentee Ballots In Iowa Via Ap News: A judge is refusing to block a new Republican-backed Iowa law that makes it harder for county officials to process absentee ballot applications and more likely that incomplete requests won’t be fulfilled. In an opinion dated Friday and released Monday, Judge Lars Anderson rejected arguments by a Latino civil rights organization and a Democratic Party group that the […]

today09/29/2020 2

Gen Z

Gen Z Less Likely Than Public To Identify As Sports Fans

Gen Z Less Likely Than Public To Identify As Sports Fans Via YouGov: The millennial generation’s coming-of-age coincided with massive growth in the North American sports industry. Between 2010 and 2018, the North American sports market grew more than 40 percent from $49.9 billion to $71.1 billion, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers, fueled primarily by skyrocketing media rights and sponsorship revenue. With more access than ever to a wider range of competitions, […]

today09/28/2020 10

BLM organizer

BLM Organizer Arrested After Driving Car Into Pro-Trump Crowd In California

BLM Organizer Arrested After Driving Car Into Pro-Trump Crowd In California BLM Organizer Tatiana Turner was arrested after using her vehicle to assault a group of Pro-Trumpers gathered at a rally Saturday. Via AP News: An organizer of a Southern California demonstration against racism was in jail Sunday on suspicion of attempted murder after authorities say she drove through a crowd and struck two counterprotesters. Tatiana Turner, 40, was arrested […]

today09/28/2020 5

Racial Injustice

AP-NORC Poll: Support For Racial Injustice Protests Declines

AP-NORC Poll: Support For Racial Injustice Protests Declines Via APNews:  As the decision in Kentucky to bring charges against only one of three police officers involved in the raid that killed Breonna Taylor sparks renewed protests nationwide, a new survey finds support has fallen for demonstrations against systemic racism. The poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that 44% of Americans disapprove of protests in response […]

today09/25/2020 13