
1005 Results / Page 99 of 112

February 28th


CRUSADE Channel News For 131119, Wednesday

Today's News  News Anchor Stacey Cohen  brings you CRUSADE Channel Newscasts with  for Wednesday, November 12, 2019. Includes today's Saint of the Day and Quote of the Day! The CRUSADE Channel, The Last LIVE! Radio Station Standing begins our LIVE programming with our all original CRUSADE Channel News hosted by 28 year radio ace, Stacey Cohen. Coupled with Mike "The King Dude" Church entertaining you during your morning drive and […]

today11/13/2019 17

James Bond

Barrett Brief Blog- James Bond Submits to Climate Change Hysteria

James Bond Submits to Climate Change Hysteria Down goes James Bond! In a triumph at the intersection of modernity and feminism is the submission of the legendary symbol of masculinity, 007 himself. In a report from The Mirror gives the autopsy of the once great franchise: The new James Bond movie (No Time To Die)  is set to be the most progressive yet as bosses have banned saucy innuendo, given […]

today11/12/2019 14


Renault – The New Pre-Teen Homo Hooptie Promoted by YouTube

Renault - The New Pre-Teen Homo Hooptie by Mike Church Add Renault to the Sodomites for Profit LGBTQ zeitgeist. Just watch (warning NSFC). Now little girls who want a Renault of their own just need to find a dysphoria suffering introvert female and help turn each other into "married" lesbians with fatherless children. The fact that French hipsters can be sold on an automobile by the manufacturers shameless embrace of […]

today11/12/2019 172

February 28th

CRUSADE Channel News For 111219, Tuesday

Today's News  News Anchor Stacey Cohen  brings you CRUSADE Channel Newscasts with  for Tuesday, November 12, 2019. Includes today's Saint of the Day and Quote of the Day! The CRUSADE Channel, The Last LIVE! Radio Station Standing begins our LIVE programming with our all original CRUSADE Channel News hosted by 28 year radio ace, Stacey Cohen. Coupled with Mike "The King Dude" Church entertaining you during your morning drive and […]

today11/12/2019 14

Dr. John Rao is Right: “This Rod Dreher Guy Has Got To Be Stopped”

by Mike Church I saw Dr. Rao (see my recent interview with Dr. Rau at the Angelus Press Convention) give a talk at last year's Catholic Identity Conference where he warned the faithful in attendance to start a vigorous opposition to Catholic's use of the warped, heretical theology of author and blogger Rod Dreher. I enjoyed Dr. rau's talk and took up the cause but apparently with not enough virtue. […]

today11/11/2019 21

The CRUSADE Channel Celebrates FOUR YEARS! Thank YOU!

An open letter to all of our friends, brothers and sisters (bristah's!).   It was 4 years ago today, that the CRUSADE Channel was launched, thanks to many of you, it has survived in a cutthroat marketplace where it seems everyone is a "broadcaster". What started as a special event radio station, Founding Father Films Radio, was renamed and went 24/7/365. We missed all of 16 hours on-air during these […]

today11/11/2019 81


Barrett Brief Movie Review- Midway: WWII Greatest Hits

Midway: WWII Greatest Hits Summary: The story of the Battle of Midway, told by the leaders and the sailors who fought it. Genre: Action, Drama, History War films are tricky. Your audience going in most likely knows the outcome. By the same token, you still have to tell a complete story.  When one is telling a war story, there are necessary tropes that you need to follow, among them: The […]

today11/08/2019 40


These people really should be waiting on a comet fly by to end it all, seriously 

These people really should be waiting on a comet fly by to end it all, seriously  Article by Mike Church If you ever go to England and then venture a bit north into Scotland one of the things you'll notice while driving through the countryside is lots of white, bushy looking things dotting the lush green landscape. Those are called sheep and in Scotland there are 3 million people but […]

today11/08/2019 41