Ghislaine Maxwell Was Isolated In Jail For Her Safety, According To U.S.

today08/14/2020 12

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Ghislaine Maxwell Was Isolated In Jail For Her Safety, According To U.S.

Via Reuters:

U.S. prosecutors said ensuring Ghislaine Maxwell’s safety was a key reason she has been isolated from other inmates at the Brooklyn jail where she is being held on charges she facilitated late financier Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual abuse of underage girls.

In a letter on Thursday to U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan in Manhattan, prosecutors also said it was “at best premature” to require they identify three alleged victims named in Maxwell’s indictment.

Lawyers for Maxwell did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Maxwell, 58, has pleaded not guilty to helping Epstein recruit and eventually abuse three girls from 1994 to 1997, and committing perjury by denying her involvement under oath.

In an Aug. 10 letter, Maxwell’s lawyers objected to her being subjected to round-the-clock surveillance and numerous body scans at the Metropolitan Detention Center despite no longer being on suicide watch, and said she belongs in the general population rather than in her cell 21 hours a day.

Prosecutors said Maxwell was isolated for reasons of “safety, security, and the orderly functioning of the facility,” and that it was appropriate to closely monitor new inmates facing a “strong likelihood” of many years in prison.

They nonetheless said jail officials agreed to give Maxwell 13 hours a day to review materials for her scheduled July 2021 trial, rather than the normal three hours.

Prosecutors also said they have acted “expeditiously” in turning over materials, and Maxwell can request victims’ names and make other motions in December after discovery is finished.


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Written by: LoneRhody

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