Now Trump is “Mentally Unstable” For Challenging A Turk on Grounds Turk’s Understand

today10/16/2019 11

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“NUTS!” The entire content of a letter sent by an American WWII Sgt to his German counter-part during the “Battle of The Bulge”. That letter was partly responsible for the outnumbered Ally’s winning the day and liberating Germany but don’t tell that to The American Conservative’s Rod Dreher and Daniel Larison who insist that Trump must be “unstable” and “insane” to have sent the letter shown below to Turkey’s President Erdogan in the form he sent it. 

Dreher and Larison and the rest of the TRM apparently think that war correspondence between Mohammedans and the rest of the planet must score at least a 23 on the Flesch-Kincaid, Grade Level, text analyzer, thereby elevating state craft to spelling-bee like contests that must be read, analyzed and then approved by academic “experts” and their algorithm’s in order to be valid and statesman-y.


There’s a saying in golf when one is marking a 4 on card where an 8 should be “there’s no pictures on a scorecard…bra.” Are there pictures on successfully executed treaty agreements made in private over various means of communication? Dreher and Larison with the rest of the Beltway papparazzi exist in a Tom Clancy made world of “ROE’s” that simply do not exist and are not useful in the real world. This is what Sultan Mehmed wrote to King Leopold as he gathered his army outside the gates of Vienna.

For I have resolved without retarding of time to ruin both you and your people, to take the German Empire according to my pleasure, and to leave in the Empire a commemoration of my dreadful sword, that it may appear to all, it will be a pleasure to me to give a public establishment of my religion and to pursue your crucified God, whose wrath I fear not, nor his coming to your assistance to deliver you out of my hands. I will according to my pleasure put your sacred priests to the plow and expose the breasts of your matrons to be sucked by dogs and other beasts. [emphasis mine-MC]

Wow, what “statecraft” and “legitimacy” to his “office” must Mehmed have conveyed to Leopold, Rod & Daniel! Look, the soyboys of GQ have run and dove into trash dumpsters after just hearing Mehmed’s edict, but don’t worry boys, Trump, the biggest, most stupid, most evil bad-dude-orange in history, has got this one. Muslim “presidents” aren’t Elizabeth of Hungary, Rod & Daniel; pick up a book by Hillaire Belloc on “Heresies” sometime and learn who and what Trump is dealing with here and maybe you’ll see the genius of that note.

President Trump, by sending and then releasing a letter he wrote to Turkey’s president Erdogan, a Muslim descendent of the power hungry Turk King, Suleiman The Magnificent, and the Siege of Vienna’s Sultan Mehmed IV, if there ever was one, is playing the “Art of The Deal” to a Muslim madman (aren’t they all) on grounds he can understand.

Watch for the RESULT and see if I am correct.


Written by: jadechampagne

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