Pelosi’s Impeachment From Fantasy Island: Trump Did It FOR Putin!

today11/15/2019 13 2

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Pelosi’s Impeachment From Fantasy Island: Trump Did It FOR Putin!

Yesterday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi conducted a rambling, fantasy based press conference on the Shampeachment Proceedings that can ultimately be summed up as : Trump did it FOR the Russians and Vladimir Putin, particularly. Barbara Boland makes the fact based observation that Trump cannot be held liable for “withholding Obama’s military aid to Ukraine” because, wait for it, Dear Leader never sent any! Are you kidding me!? Nope…

One would think, listening to this, that the U.S. had always provided arms to Ukraine, and that Ukraine has relied on this aid for years. But this is completely untrue, and the Washington blob knows it. Back in 2014, when Russia annexed a large swath of Ukraine, the Obama administration declined to arm Ukraine, fearing that adding American weapons to the conflict would spark a hot war between the U.S. and Russia.  At the time, Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain argued vociferously against Obama’s policy. So instead, the U.S. responded to Russian aggression with sanctions and kicking them out of the G-8 (now G-7.) Instead of providing arms,Washington provided Ukraine with non-lethal aid and with military advisers and continued to engage in joint training exercises together with several other countries. [emphasis mine-MC]

The new, new, Schifty Adam Schiff/Pelosi narrative is now that Trump is basically guilty of a war crime and is responsible for the deaths of thousands, nay MILLIONS!! of Ukrainian soldiers, a claim no one in Ukraine or anywhere else on earth is making. I’m sticking with my narrative from yesterday’s show, available here: Puddles Pity Party is the whistlefaker™.



Written by: jadechampagne

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  1. [email protected] on 11/15/2019

    Such a waist of time, money and resources especially when their are Real Evils in the world they will not address, Like Abortion, Contraception, Pornography, Sodomy, Usury, and these are just some of the Major assaults on the Family not all the assaults on mens Souls. God Bless, Viva Cristo Rey!

  2. Aaron B on 11/15/2019

    They rely on the American Sheeple to not remember any of these details or be intelligent enough to dig up the facts. Putin has been built up as Pennywise so he becomes the catch-all for any new Trump accusations. Why not? Everyone needs and enemy – who better than the Evil Russians?