U.S. Attorney General Barr faces House Questions Over Recent Turmoil

today07/28/2020 10

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U.S. Attorney General Barr faces House Questions Over Recent Turmoil

Via Reuters:

U.S. Attorney General William Barr faces tough questioning on Tuesday by a Democratic-controlled House of Representative committee whose members believe he abused his power to bolster President Donald Trump’s allies and silence his political enemies.

The hearing will mark Barr’s first testimony before the House Judiciary Committee since he took office in February 2019, and comes as the Justice Department faces criticism for its role in sending federal officers to forcibly disperse protesters in Portland, Oregon, and Washington, D.C.

The department’s internal watchdog launched probes last week into federal involvement in both those cases.

The United States has seen weeks of widespread, mostly peaceful protests against racial bias and police violence following George Floyd’s death in the custody of Minneapolis police in May.

Barr has highlighted the arson and looting that have broken out at some protests, blaming them primarily on far-left “antifa” elements and urging federal prosecutors to bring criminal charges whenever possible. A Reuters review of federal cases in June found scant evidence that any of the defendants were linked to far-left movements.

Barr, in prepared remarks, will defend the use of federal law enforcement to quell the protests in Portland, where some protesters have thrown objects at the federal courthouse.

“What unfolds nightly around the courthouse cannot reasonably be called a protest; it is, by any objective measure, an assault on the Government of the United States,” Barr said.

In his testimony, he also downplayed accusations about systemic discrimination in policing across the country, saying it would “be an oversimplification to treat the problem as rooted in some deep-seated racism.”

“The threat to black lives posed by crime on the streets is massively greater than any threat posed by police misconduct,” he said.

While the country is suffering though turmoil at the hands of Antifa and others that seek to take down the Bad Orange Man, the House Judiciary Committee is going to go after Barr? The ridiculousness of this entire endeavor can be summed up in this phrase:
Led by Chairman Jerrold Nadler, the House Judiciary Committee launched a broad inquiry last month into whether the Justice Department had become overly politicized. 

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Written by: LoneRhody

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