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Renew Update Your Founder’s Pass Membership Today

today10/27/2016 7 3

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Mandeville LA – The following is a personal appeal from our Founder Mike Church.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Mike_Church_bow_tie_LPAC_2014One year ago today, I sadly announced the news that SiriusXM would not renew my contract and the Mike Church Show’s 13 year run on that platform would come to an end. Instead of seeking employment with yet another multi-national member of the Media Industrial Complex, I decided to give independent media a go and launch what we call today The Veritas Radio Network. Now, for the last year, the Mike Church Show has been heard uncensored, every weekday on The CRUSADE Channel. That was made possible by YOU, because on the day of the announcement, you responded to my call to boldly go where no one had gone before, and you purchased a Founder’s Pass membership. Because of YOUR confidence and generosity I can write you today in the present tense that The Veritas Radio Network is home to almost a dozen, dedicated broadcasters and our offerings continue to expand. THANK YOU!

Now, I personally appeal to you to stay the course and continue your Founder’s Pass Membership by simply updating your expired credit card information at the Mike Church Show’s new radio home: and for extra credit consider upgrading your Founding Brother status to the current pricing of $176.76. Without your renewal, the survival of the Mike Church Show on The Crusade Channel will be placed in jeopardy. Please take care of this today if you are able and if need be, I will PERSONALLY assist you!

The process to update your credit card is simple (you can also call us and we’ll do this for you: 866-483-3833:

1. Login to your account at Veritas Radio

2. Once you are logged in, paste one of the following codes into your browser’s url address window:

• YEARLY Founders Pass:

• Founding Brother Supporter:

• Monthly Founder’s Pass:

• Monthly Founding Brother Supporter:

3. Enter your new Credit Card info an checkout. It’s that simple and now you’re all set to enjoy the amazing benefits of Founder’s Pass Membership including EXCLUSIVE access to the upcoming 24/7 Premium CRUSADE Channel Stream that will be for members only, in high quality stereo, carry the Mike Church Show when it moves back to morning drive 05:00-10:00 a.m. and is relatively COMMERCIAL FREE!

• Please update your other member information on the Veritas Radio Network site by clicking Members-Member Details from the top menu.

Plus, Founder’s Pass Members get all these benefits no other Radio Membership service can offer:

• 8 Original and EXCLUSIVE Shows including The Constitution Hour with Kevin Gutzman and The Mark Kreslins Show! This includes Instant Download and Streaming access to EVERY episode of The Mike Church Show at your fingertips!

• Always on 15% discount for use in my store, Mike Church’s Founder’s Tradin’ Post

• Members Only Discounts from our affiliate sponsors including Bulldog KIA, McClure Tables and BTS Promotions!

• Access to our elite, exclusive Facebook group The CRUSADER Room, and much much more.

Without YOUR help, one year ago, the Veritas Radio Network would not exist and all the good that has been done and will be done through it would be just a dream. I thank you for that help and humbly pray your confidence will extend for at least one more year!

In Humility and Peace,



Written by: jadechampagne

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Logged in now, have not figured out a way to upgrade membership from brother to father level?


I am UP-grading to founding brother. Will my anniversary clock reset to today? I originally signed up on 11 Nov last year.

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