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Mandeville, LA – Marc Morano has been appearing on the Mike Church Show since 2006 (a decade!), offering his biting commentary and scientific knowledge on every alleged environmental “crisis” Mike has covered. Since moving to Veritas Marc has appeared 3 times including once from the Paris Climate summit. Marc’s bio from The Heartland institute:
Marc Morano is the publisher of the award-winning, a global warming and eco-news center founded in 2009. Morano was named one of only five “criminals against humanity, against planet Earth itself” in 2009 by the eco-magazine Grist. (The other five criminals were Bjorn Lomborg, Richard Lindzen, Sen. James Inhofe and former President George W. Bush.) Newsweek declared Morano “is quickly becoming King of the skeptics!” in December 2009. Newsweek called Climate Depot the “most popular denial site.” Tina Brown’s Daily Beast also recognized Morano as one of the “The Right’s Top 25 Journalists” who serves as a “bombastic foe of the Greens.” The Daily Beast described Climate Depot as “a bustling, one-stop-shop for climate skeptics.”
Rolling Stone Magazine declared Morano one of the planets 17 “climate killers” in a cover story in December 2009. Rolling Stone also called Morano “the Matt Drudge of climate denial” and “a central cell of the climate-denial machine.” Morano also received the Accuracy in Media journalism award in February 2010 for his key role in reporting on the global warming Climategate scandal.
Prior to Climate Depot, Morano served for three years as a senior advisor, speechwriter, and climate researcher for U.S. Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), and managed the award-winning communication operations of the GOP side of the EPW Committee. Morano joined the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee as the majority Communications Director in June 2006 after a decade and a half as a working journalist, documentary maker, radio talk show host, and national television correspondent.
Morano was the investigative reporter for Cybercast News Service in Washington, DC. He has also served as a reporter/producer for the nationally syndicated television newsmagazine “American Investigator.” His reports have included an exposé on the Free Willy Keiko Foundation, an exclusive report on the safety of organic foods, and reports on the endangered species act and property rights. In 2000, his investigative television documentary “Amazon Rainforest: Clear-Cutting the Myths” created an international firestorm.
Morano served as the television reporter/producer for the nationally syndicated “Rush Limbaugh, the Television Show,” during the show’s four-year run (1992-1996). Morano, referred to by Mr. Limbaugh as “Our Man in Washington,” had the dubious distinction of being the first journalist in history to have his television camera seized at the Clinton White House while on assignment with the Limbaugh show.
His reporting has made international news, including appearances and coverage on CNN, Fox News Channel’s The O’Reilly Factor and Hannity & Colmes, BBC TV, The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post, US Weekly Magazine, web links from the Drudge Report, the entertainment show Extra TV, and Politically Incorrect w/ Bill Maher.
Morano was born in Washington, DC, and grew up in McLean, VA. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science at George Mason University.
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Written by: TheKingDude
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