Saint Luke the Evangelist was a doctor of medicine in Antioch in Syria. He was converted to Christianity and became a disciple of Saint Paul. He is the one Gentile who wrote books in the New Testament. His two books are the third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. All we know about the Incarnation, birth and childhood of Our Lord comes to us from Saint Luke. He was a great painter. He painted a most beautiful picture of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to whom his whole life was devoted. Saint Luke was, martyred for the Catholic Faith.
I had no idea Sir Charles and I’s talks were very similar and they dovetailed perfectly.
The position of the United States – neutrality, that was always what we were meant to do.
I think there are a lot of black hats to go around in this situation.
Occupied Palestine –
Muslims or Christians have Natural Rights
Those rights have been denying for centuries by the Israeli’s.
Look up the Stern Gang – 1946 a bombing done by ‘right wing’ Jews trying to force Israel into existence but they bombed the King David Hotel.
The Zionist were committing acts of terrorism before but we tend not to think of these things b/c only Muslims can be terrorists.
BOTH parties have Natural Rights.
You can’t go hunting down innocent civilians, raping them and beheading them.
One thing you can be certain of is no one is telling us all the truth.
People are saying this is Israel’s 9/11 by the people that say our 9/11 was staged.
I have a hard time believing that the Iron Dome wasn’t working or was overwhelmed.
Mike Church offers no-holds barred commentary on the moral & political decay of the modern world but unlike all other hosts, Mike offers solutions to these ills, solutions rooted in the wisdom of the Fathers, founding and Church!