55 Results / Page 3 of 7


The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-The 1776 Founding Fathers Are Awesome…But They Are Useless Against 21st Century Demoncrats

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World. BREAKING NEWS with Mahgdalen Rose - WAR GAMES are happening  31m Donald Trump Visits the Border HEADLINE: Donald Trump Border Visit: Joe Biden Either ‘Incompetent’ or Actually […]

today07/01/2021 12

Covid Chronicles

Mike Church Show- The U.N. Makes It Official: The Demons Are Ascendant & They’re Handing The Children Over To Them

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World. HEADLINE RUNDOWN - 30m HEADLINE: The Half-Monkey Offspring Of An Unworthy Elite by Declan Leary  As long as it’s done in the name of science, it is […]

today06/01/2021 10

Covid Chronicles

Mike Church Show-Trump Was Right: The “China Virus” Is Just That And It Was Launched Here As A Weapon!

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World. HEADLINE RUNDOWN - 35m HEADLINE: Children’s Hospital Colorado declares ‘state of emergency’ for pediatric mental health by Carina Julig  Who didn’t see this coming? We have told […]

today05/26/2021 14

Pray And Do

Frontlines With Joe & Joe

The Frontlines with Joe and Joe-Don’t Think. Pray And Do

The Frontlines with Joe and Joe-Don't Think. Pray And Do It is the small battles that will help us win the culture war. Welcome to the Frontlines with Joe and Joe.  Here are a few of the battles we discuss on our latest episode. -Young Catholics are protesting the broadcast of satanic music at Seton Hall's WSOU. -The unfulfilled promise of embryonic stem cell research. -Fossil fuels are racist -James […]

today04/26/2021 29


Black & White Americans Disagree On The Role Of Activism In America

Black & White Americans Disagree On The Role Of Activism In America Via YouGov Are activist movements calling for social change bringing the country together or tearing it apart? Depends on who you ask.   Data from YouGov’s Social Change Monitor finds that across generations, Black Americans are more likely to see activism as uniting the country, while white Americans tend to believe it divides the country.   A majority of Black Americans (58%) believe that activism […]

today11/12/2020 5

BLM organizer

BLM Organizer Arrested After Driving Car Into Pro-Trump Crowd In California

BLM Organizer Arrested After Driving Car Into Pro-Trump Crowd In California BLM Organizer Tatiana Turner was arrested after using her vehicle to assault a group of Pro-Trumpers gathered at a rally Saturday. Via AP News: An organizer of a Southern California demonstration against racism was in jail Sunday on suspicion of attempted murder after authorities say she drove through a crowd and struck two counterprotesters. Tatiana Turner, 40, was arrested […]

today09/28/2020 5

Breonna Taylor

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Breonna Taylor & The Power Of The False Narrative

Breonna Taylor & The Power Of The False Narrative Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Breonna Taylor & The Power Of The False Narrative   na Second, 2020 Radicals And The 50 Year Itch. LikewiseWe check in on the actin all crusader-y Blog.  As well as Social Justice Jordan is following the same profitable BLM path of Lebron & Kaepernick Don't forget This Day in history.  Moreover Why Disney’s delay […]

today09/24/2020 13

Breonna Taylor

Two Police Officers Shot Amid Breonna Taylor Louisville Riots

Two Police Officers Shot Amid Breonna Taylor Louisville Riots Via Reuters:  Two police officers were shot and wounded late on Wednesday in Louisville, Kentucky, during protests of a grand jury ruling decried by civil rights activists as a miscarriage of justice in the fatal police shooting of Breonna Taylor in March. The grand jury decided that none of the three white officers involved in the deadly police raid on Taylor’s […]

today09/24/2020 4

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Does Any Hope For America Pass With Ruth Bader Ginsburg?

Does Any Hope For America Pass With Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Does Any Hope For America Pass With Ruth Bader Ginsburg?  na Second, Names to watch as Trump picks Ginsburg replacement on Supreme Court. LikewiseWe check in on the actin all crusader-y Blog.  As well as Amy Coney Barrett Is Not a Safe Pick for the Supreme Court. Don't forget This Day in […]

today09/21/2020 8