
25 Results / Page 1 of 3


The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-Don’t Look Up In The Sky But Are We At The Start Of A UFO Invasion

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE   Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel 43m HEADLINE: What’s Going On Up There? Theories but No Answers in Shootdowns of Mystery Craft. by Julian E Barnes, Helene Cooper and Edward Wong The front page of the New York Times has an article about UFO’s. I never thought […]

today02/13/2023 270


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Harvard Loses $2.3 Billion In Endowment, But Does It Matter?

The Barrett Brief - Harvard Loses $2.3 Billion In Endowment, But Does It Matter?  Here is what is happening today in the Brief. - First, Harvard Loses $2.3 Billion In Endowment, But Does It Matter?  Second Media Bias Fact Check  Next Around one-in-five candidates for Congress or governor this year are veterans Third 'Disgusting and Horrendous': NASCAR's Bubba Wallace Violently Attacks Fellow Driver, Then Clashes with Official Fourth Parasocial Relationships: What are They, […]

today10/18/2022 142


The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-The Sheer Volume Of Propaganda Being Thrown At Us Proves The Regime Is At War With Us

Mike Church Show-The Sheer Volume Of Propaganda Being Thrown At Us Proves The Regime Is At War With Us Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE   Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 - News of the Church and the World.   Glory and Shine to the Crusade […]

today05/02/2022 77


House set to vote on marijuana legalization bill likely next week

House set to vote on marijuana legalization bill likely next week Via Just The News: The United States Congress next week is scheduled to consider the decriminalization of marijuana, a measure that comes as the drug has been legalized by multiple U.S. states over the last several years.  The House of Representatives on its list of "items that may be considered pursuant to a rule" has included the Marijuana Opportunity […]

today03/28/2022 28

Pay Raise

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – The Virtuals Did Such A Bang Up Job They Deserve A Pay Raise

The Barrett Brief - The Virtuals Did Such A Bang Up Job They Deserve A Pay Raise Here is what is happening today in the Brief.  First The Virtuals Did Such A Bang Up Job They Deserve A Pay Raise Second Dan Savickas - Government Affairs Manager stops by  Third Social Media: The Intimidation and Enforcement Arm of the American Left As well as Dishonest and sneaky “gun control” measures in omnibus spending […]

today03/16/2022 39


Congress drops proposal to require women to register for the draft

Congress drops proposal to require women to register for the draft Via Just The News: Women will not be required to register for the military draft in the final version of the National Defense Authorization Act, according to Politico. Legislation expanding the Selective Service System received bipartisan support in both chambers of Congress earlier this year. Women have been allowed to serve in combat since 2015, prompting calls to include […]

today12/07/2021 15


AG Garland tells Congress Justice not targeting outspoken school parents as ‘domestic terrorists’

AG Garland tells Congress Justice not targeting outspoken school parents as 'domestic terrorists' Via Just The News: Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday defended the Justice Department before Congress on getting involved in disagreements between school boards and concerned parents, saying such parents are not been labeled as "domestic terrorists." He spoke in response to the department recently agreeing to get involved in the increasing public disagreements and his subsequent […]

today10/22/2021 2

eviction ban

Anger mounts as Biden, Congress allow eviction ban to expire

Anger mounts as Biden, Congress allow eviction ban to expire Via Anger and frustration mounted in Congress over the weekend as a nationwide eviction moratorium expired during a surge in the Covid-19 pandemic. One Democratic lawmaker even camped outside the Capitol in protest as millions of Americans faced being forced from their homes. Lawmakers said they were blindsided by President Joe Biden’s inaction as the midnight Saturday deadline neared, […]

today08/02/2021 9

Rep. Nadler Confirms: “God’s will is no concern of this Congress”

Rep. Nadler Confirms: "God’s will is no concern of this Congress" The Demoncrat Party is forcing its misnamed "Equality Act" bill through Congress, undeterred by the horrified protests of Christians and women that the bill will make "religious objections" to public AND private expressions of  _______________[insert sexual depravity or fake identity here] ILLEGAL and punishable by law. Rep Gerald Nadler, fresh off of his second consecutive, Shampeachment™ defeat, rises to […]

today02/27/2021 13