Gregory Carpenter

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The Mike Church Show

The New Watergate, Children, Water Hoses and Dust Equal Chemical Warfare!? The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA - The U.S. Government's official story of chemical weapons being used in Douma Syria by the government of Syria has collapsed. Journalists from The U.S. and the U.K. have investigated and filed reports from Douma and can find no one who was "gassed" nor any hearsay evidence that anyone was "gassed", much less by Bashar Assad, yet Pentagon media oracles continue peddling the story line while refusing to […]

today04/18/2018 15

The Mike Church Show

Monday, Bloody Monday – Trump’s War on Truth – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA - Mike has all the news and incredible revelations on the Trump admin's bombing of Syria including the likelihood that the "chemical weapon attack" was a hoax/false-flag operation. Featuring analysis from Reverse Deception Radio's Gregory Carpenter. Mike also interviews the founder of the Texas Nationalist Movement, Daniel Miller.   Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:18 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE […]

today04/16/2018 18

The Mike Church Show

Bring Back The August, 2016 Donald Trump And Spare The World Another ‘Murican War

Mandeville, LA - The show opens with Mike playing a clip from his August 16th, 2016 show covering President Trump's then candidate Trump statement on foreign policy. Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:19 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE 6:25 AUDIO: Candidate Trump on Nation Building - August 16, 2016 Nation Building - What is Nation Building? Stopping the spread of Communism Somalia […]

today04/10/2018 35

The Fellowship Of The Clans


It Takes A Village… To Understand Why The 2nd Amendment Doesn’t Apply On Hoth or Deerfield, IL

Mandeville, La - The Incorporation doctrine that makes atomic weapons and Howitzer guns the purview of the 2nd Amendment and the right of all humanity to bear them is once again on tap on the Mike Church Show. Listen here, here, here and here for previous attempts at Constitutional sanity including shows featuring Constitution scholar Dr. Kevin Gutzman and the Constitution Hour. Michael Hichborn of the LePanto Institute joins Mike […]

today04/05/2018 7

The Mike Church Show

Infamy And The Holy Family Via The Ridiculous, “Conservative” Embrace of Roseanne

Mandeville, La - Mike is back in action after a brief, 2 day "spring break" and the guest roster is loaded with talent including Ignatius Press's Anthony Ryan & Brother Andre Marie! Plus Mike tackles the "conservative echo chamber's" ridiculous embrace of Roseanne because it is kinda-sorta-pro #MAGA-TRUMP Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:15 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE 6:25 HEADLINE: Crash […]

today04/04/2018 84


The UnHappy Death of Steven Hawking or When Stevie Met Helly – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA - All the good this man could have done with his gift of intelligence. He fought all the way to the end of his life against God. He didn’t pass, he didn’t go to the other side, he DIED. He denied the existence of God his entire life. Special guest Greg, Junkbond Carpenter. Brother André Marie: "I certainly don’t wish his soul any harm but he did some horrible things while […]

today03/16/2018 13


To Arms Crusaders! ‘Ere Enemy, Pluralism, Is Nigh! The Mike Church Show!

Mandeville, La - Brother André Marie joins Mike in a tell it like it is smackdown of why religious pluralism is contrary to reason. Mike enjoys hearing Marion LePen speak at CPAC, the first CPAS speaker he's liked since Ron Paul in 2012. Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:13 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE 6:20 Today’s Veritas et Sapientia – On The […]

today03/07/2018 75