
17 Results / Page 2 of 2



Winchester, VA - Russia Times via TOLO News is reporting that the Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan has been struck by a suicide bomber with multiple injuries being reported. The detonation took place at one of the airbase's entrances, and occurred mere hours after an apology was offered by a senior US commander for a “highly offensive” leaflet that U.S. troops were distributing in the Parwan province. The offending pamphlet depicted part […]

today09/07/2017 53


Winchester, VA - The Druz was an Islamic sect whose members in the 1860's were making their way through Lebanon, slaughtering Christians for refusal to convert to Islam. They had already killed thousands of Maronite Christians in southern Lebanon when they made their way to Damascus and killed another two thousand. Included among the martyrs of Damascus was Father Emmanuel Ruiz, the superior of the Franciscan convent, who was told to […]

today07/10/2017 35

ICE Rounds Up Over 100 Chaldean Catholics to Deport Back to Iraq

Winchester, VA - World Net Daily and Jihad Watch are reporting on disturbing developments coming out of Sterling Heights, Michigan, where U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers unexpectedly raided the houses of 100-200 Chaldean and Assyrian Christians, rounded them up, and took them away by bus, presumably to be deported back to war-torn Iraq, where struggle and persecution likely await them. These Christians are legal residents of the United States—some for […]

today06/13/2017 14

Pakistani Christian Women Are Leaving Their Faith – In Order to Obtain a Divorce

Winchester, VA - reports that divorce law in Pakistan is coming under fire in Pakistan for the differing conditions under which Christians and Muslims may obtain their divorces. For Muslims, there is a wide range of qualifying reasons to obtain a divorce. Christians, on the other hand, have only four qualifying reasons: adultery, which is a criminal offense, conversion to Islam, bigamy, and cruelty, which is not really stigmatized in […]

today06/08/2017 15

“Cajun John Wayne” Launches His Battle Cry

  Winchester, VA - The Star Telegram reports that U.S. Representative Clay Higgins, from Louisiana, also known as “the Cajun John Wayne” outraged many with his battle cry this past weekend after the London Bridge terror attack. Posting on Facebook on Sunday, he said “The free world… all of Christendom… is at war with Islamic horror. Not one penny of American treasure should be granted to any.” nation who harbors […]

today06/07/2017 33

Muslim Good Samaritans Aiding Persecuted Christians

Winchester, VA - Two stories appeared yesterday of Muslims helping victims of Christian persecution-by Muslims. Church Militant reports on Noor Lucman, a resident of Marawi City in the Philippines where Muslims have burned down the Catholic cathedral and taken 15 Christians hostage. Mr. Lucman, hid 64 Christians who had been unable to flee Marawi. He vowed that the militants would get to them “over his dead body” and protected them from […]

today06/06/2017 10

Another Random Act of Workplace Violence Strikes Britain

Winchester, VA - Saturday evening festivities turned to tragedy in London when three Muslims used a vehicle to mow down pedestrians on the London Bridge, they then proceeded to the Burough Market, exited their van, and started indiscriminately stabbing passers-by while shouting, “This is for Allah!” The perpetrators were shot dead at the scene. The Telegraph reports that the death toll stands at 7, with 48 others wounded. Prime Minister Teresa […]

today06/04/2017 28

The Mike Church Show

The REAL Truth About Orlando Shootings: The Greatest Heresy of All Produced It

Mandeville, LA - What the Judgement Pornosphere™ media is upchucking as "news coverage" of the Islamic act of genocide in Orlando, ignores the real root cause: a heresy that has survived, un requited since the 7th century is behind it. Catholic priests have studied Islam for obvious reasons for years and though it is not widely reported these days they basically concluded that Islam itself is a fabrication. From the […]

today06/13/2016 40