
21 Results / Page 2 of 3


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief – Twitter Take Down Shows We Are All Addicts

Twitter Take Down Shows We Are All Addicts Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Voter support for in-person schooling declines in new poll. Also Twitter Take Down Shows We Are All Addicts. na Second, Christopher Laurence, the Founder of Si Qua Virtus joins the program.  Likewise National Association of Police Organizations endorses Trump. Additionally Berkeley moves toward removing police from traffic stops. Furthermore J.C. Penney announces plan to cut 1,000 jobs & […]

today07/16/2020 8


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief- Don’t Like The Surge In COVID19? It’s Because Your A Cranky Merican!

Don't Like The Surge In COVID19? It's Because Your A Cranky Merican! Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First impatient Americans don't respond well to the "surge" in COVID19 na Don't Forget Senator Ted Harvey joins us to talk about their new ad.  Furthermore Blame game? Cuomo takes heat over NY nursing home study. Likewise Governor shuts bars, dining as virus hits California hard. Texas Teachers Writing Their Wills […]

today07/14/2020 17



The Barrett Brief – Everyone Thinks The Media Hates Them, Because It Does

Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First 59% of all Americans believe the media misunderstands them.  na Second, Larry Ward talking Covid and WeAreNotInThisTogether.com joins the program. Third we go across the interwebs.  Likewise Kim Jong Un reportedly blew up office over ‘dirty depictions’ of his wife. Together, Report: Boeing fell short in disclosing key changes to Max. As well as CO Supreme Court rules CO magazine ban constitutional. Together with Hundreds of George […]

today07/01/2020 10


The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief- Removing Of Statues Removes Opposition To Progress

The Barrett Brief- Removing Of Statues Removes Opposition To Progress Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First 44% of voters say statues of Confederate leaders should remain standing. na Second, What The AP Thinks You Should Know.   Third we go across the interwebs. In the first place George Floyd, Derek Chauvin ‘bumped heads’ at nightclub, former coworker says. Identically, Black activist says those calling to defund police should offer own zip […]

today06/10/2020 4



The Breakdown – Censorship of Christian Media, Police Involvement in COVID Lock Downs, and Loud Talkers

Censorship of Christian Media, Police Involvement in COVID Lock Downs, and Loud Talkers Christians Are Not Immune to YouTube Censorship YouTube removed John Piper's "Coronavirus and Christ" book after 22 military chaplains complained. It was sent to them by a senior army chaplain who attached it to an email with an inspirational message.  However the chaplains - ones who are supposed to point to Christ became upset and are calling for a […]

today05/18/2020 18

Matt Trewhella


The Breakdown – The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates with Matt Trewhella

The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates with Matt Trewhella America is at a Crossroads There has never been a time in the history of our country like the epoch we are facing with the Coronavirus. Businesses have been required to shut down.  Some will never reopen their doors Nearly 30 million American's are out of work Rent is going unpaid Children aren't being fed Domestic violence, alcoholism, pornography, child molestation, and […]

today05/06/2020 105

New York

The Barrett Brief

The Barrett Brief-Comrade Bill de Blasio Ready To Lockdown New York

Comrade Bill de Blasio Ready To Lockdown New York Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First Comrade de Blasio is ready to lockdown New York! Second, What The AP Thinks You Should Know.   Third, we go across the interwebs. In the first place update on CORVID-19 in the U.S & worldwide. In the first place Philadelphia police to delay arrests for some non-violent crimes amid coronavirus outbreak. Together […]

today03/18/2020 11


The Barrett Brief- Northeast Storm? Nah it’s The Frontline Filling In!

Northeast Storm? Nah it's The Frontline Filling In! Here is what is happening today on the Brief, where Joe & Joe from The Frontline Storm the Crusade! First, I will introduce the dynamic duo. Second, they will cover a variety of topics. This will include Creepy Joe being denied (rightly) Our Lord and Savior, Judge blocks Alabama law banning abortions, Nick Sandmann lawsuit is back. Additionally, Police arrest pro-LGBT high […]

today11/01/2019 10

Zombieland Double Tap


The Barrett Brief- Zombieland looks to Double Tap Boxoffice

Zombieland looks to Double Tap Boxoffice Here is what is happening today in the Brief. First, my review of Zombieland: Double Tap in Hour 3. Second, still more news in the Fort Worth shooting of an innocent black women. I will continue to talk about how it is a break down in society. Third, I have my Friday free-for-all with stories from Boeing, The Vatican & Mexico. Also, Study Sessions […]

today10/21/2019 11