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Mandeville, LA – Veritas RAdio Network fans continue to lavish praise on our efforts and we are so grateful for them. PLEASE consider using our contact form to share your CRUSADE Channel experience and yes that includes your technical, entertaining, educational and spiritual, experience.
I happily support your efforts thank you.
Your iPhone app is AWSOME. It puts you much closer to the radio experience. I will continue to pray and promote your “Crusade”. I still wish your were live earlier in the morning but I am appreciative of my ability to listen to the recoded show.
While callers are part of the color of your show I am just fine listening to your commentary and your superb guests.
Difficult to explain the impact of your show on my life. It provides a prospective that resonates with my early Catholic schooling back in my old country Scotland. I am acting on your words and discovering the value of my Catholic roots. I find myself moving toward a return to the church because of a deeper understanding of the meaning of my faith. You have helped me reshape my political and religious thinking towards conforming my mind to “Truth”.
You produce a superior show.
Thank you
Steven Novak
Written by: MikeChurch
Mike Church offers no-holds barred commentary on the moral & political decay of the modern world but unlike all other hosts, Mike offers solutions to these ills, solutions rooted in the wisdom of the Fathers, founding and Church!
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