Tragic End for African Bishop Balla

By  / 06/05/2017
Winchester, VA - Last week Bishop Jean-Marie Benoit Balla, the 58 year old Catholic Bishop of Bafia in Cameroon, went missing. His car was located near...
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May Jobs Report: Ups and Downs

By  / 06/05/2017
Winchester, VA - The May jobs report was released on Friday. By all appearances unemployment seems to be decreasing. The Wall Street Journal reports that a...
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Saint of the Day: Saint Boniface!

By  / 06/05/2017
Winchester, VA - Saint Boniface was born around 675 in Wessex, England. From an early age he received his education at the local monastery. When he...
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Another Random Act of Workplace Violence Strikes Britain

By  / 06/04/2017
Winchester, VA - Saturday evening festivities turned to tragedy in London when three Muslims used a vehicle to mow down pedestrians on the London Bridge, they...
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Who Determines the End of “Our Time”?

By  / 06/02/2017
Winchester, VA - Now for some Celestial Musings... Is it your time when it's your time? Or do men sometimes cause their deaths prematurely through negligence?...
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Sit Down and Shut Up You Talibani Catholics!

By  / 06/02/2017
Winchester, VA - Breitbart reports that on ABC's “The View” yesterday, the hosts spent over four minutes discussing the rollback of the contraception mandate. These were some...
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Good Priests: Quenching the Thirsty Souls of Today’s Youth

By  / 06/02/2017
Winchester, VA -  In this Celestial Musings, it's refreshing to see a priest seeking out the young people where they are, reminding them of the Church's...
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Evil Never Takes A Rest – Mysterious Nooses Found in the D.C./Maryland Area

By  / 06/02/2017
Winchester, VA - In a disturbing turn of events, The Associated Press reports that nooses have been spotted twice in Washington, D.C. this week at Smithsonian...
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The Case for the “Grunt Padre” Moves to Rome!

By  / 06/02/2017
The Archdiocese for the Military Services announced at the end of May that the four year archdiocesan inquiry into the life of Vietnam War hero...
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The World Melts Down Over Climate Change

By  / 06/02/2017
Winchester, VA - President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Accord yesterday. World reaction was colorful...and negative. Reuters reports that from the...
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CRUSADE Newscast 060117 06am

By MikeChurch / 06/01/2017
Mandeville, LA - The CRUSADE Channel's 06:00 a.m. newscast with news anchor Celeste Youngblood, LIVE! from the CRUSADE Channel newsdeesk. Display a list of all...
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“Believe In Traditional Marriage? You’re OUT of Our Farmer’s Market!”

By  / 06/01/2017
Winchester, VA - has highlighted the cause of Steve and Bridget Tennes, Catholic owners of Country Mill Farm in Michigan, and regular vendor of blueberries...
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Eating Right for Mental Health–and Holiness!

By  / 06/01/2017
Winchester, VA - Writer Marta Klimek for Aleteia explains that our moods are closely tied to the foods we eat. Foods like sugar and refined grains...
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Over 100 Christians Arrested in Eritrea

By  / 06/01/2017
Winchester, VA - Eritrea is a tiny country in north-eastern Africa, and is one of the hardest countries in the world in which to be a...
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Transgendered & Nonconforming Suffer More Health Issues

By  / 06/01/2017
Winchester, VA - In this Celestial Musings, we wonder which came first, the chicken, or the egg? Reuters is reporting on a new study published online...
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