The Mike Church Show

The Embarrassing Death Of Ethics And Journalism At The Boston Herald

today02/07/2024 180

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C. Joseph Doyle

Catholic Action League 

HEADLINE: A Boston Globe columnist crossed journalistic lines. Should the Globe still have run his story? by Tom Jones

  • Last July, Cullen was reporting on Bluestein while she was meeting with the doctor who was going to help her end her life. The doctor explained that Vermont law required Bluestein to get signatures from two people who would say she was in a clear state of mind when she made her decision. Furthermore, the signatures could not be from family members, beneficiaries or anyone associated with the doctor’s clinic.
  • Final wave of Massachusetts is to legalize assisted suicide. 
  • As it turns out Cullen didn’t reveal he signed an affidavit indicating the person that wanted to commit suicide was of sound mind. 
  • He inserted himself into a story he was writing. 
  • He has attacked me on many occasions and he even used his column one time to attack me b/c I wrote a note to his editor.
  • He specializes in invectives. 
  • He never makes a reasoned argument he just strings together several sentences of name calling.
  • He attacks the faith, he attacks the Irish etc
  • Freedom of the Press is for those who own the newspapers – Belloc
  • The Boston Strangler on HULU – featuring Keira Knightley
  • We have to go b/w now and the 29th of June.
  • Bishop of Rockville Center and Bishop from NJ – 

Written by: Justin Redman