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Fiorella reviews two books on this episode of the Fiorella Files.
I have Complex PTSD [Cptsd] and wrote this book from the perspective of someone who has experienced a great reduction of symptoms over the years. I also wrote it from the viewpoint of someone who has discovered many silver linings in the long, windy, bumpy road of recovering from Cptsd. I felt encouraged to write this book because of thousands of e-mail responses to the articles on my website that repeatedly expressed gratitude for the helpfulness of my work. An often echoed comment sounded like this: At last someone gets it. I can see now that I am not bad, defective or crazy…or alone!
The quintessential portrayal of English country life, these stories follow the growth of Laura Timmins and three closely-related Oxfordshire communities – a hamlet, a village, and a town – along with the memorable cast of characters who live there. It is also a drama of great societal change as a quiet, close-knit and peaceful rural culture, ruled by the seasons, begins to join the modern world.
Written by: jadechampagne
Believe it or not, Westerns were very popular as radio shows and we have the best! Produced by Mike Church.
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