Thomas Jefferson Revolutionary, James Madison and the Making of America, The Jeffersonians and many more.
University of Texas – 3 degrees
What do you say about what is happening in Texas right now with the border and Governor Abbott?
I’m not surprised he is trying to do something but I’m skeptical it will work.
This is because it makes the Federal Government own up to their responsibility.
I’m not sure Governor Abbott is going to be allowed to do what he is doing by the new court system.
Has there ever been a situation in American History like this?
I don’t think there has ever been a time where the Federal government has said “we just don’t want to keep foreigners out of this country”.
What relationship will there be between the Federal Government and the state?
The current Fed Gov is inviting these people into the country at this point.
I think it assumes what isn’t the case that someone thought this could happen.
I don’t think anyone thought this could happen.
Why would anyone want it to happen?
We know WHY this administration wants it to happen.
This is a situation our Founders never contemplated so we are in uncharted territory here.
Law Degree from University of Texas, I have another degree from University of Virginia.
What could have led someone to the idea that this was going to be a good idea?
These Democrats think if we have illegal entry, it will be beneficially to their side.
They have good reason to think that.
Executive Immunity – Donald Trump
I don’t think the controversial acts of Donald Trump have to do w/ the duties of his office.
When it comes to matters like that everyone has an opinion and the results may vary.
I don’t think there is a straight answer.
His claim is he was trying to protect the votes of his people.
January 6th I don’t think that will fall under Executive Immunity, whether it was illegal or not, there was no other president in history that has held a rally near the Capitol and telling the people to address their grievances to their Congressmen and women.
Thomas Jefferson fathered children w/ his slave –
John Hartwell Cocke –
He didn’t have any incentive to slander Thomas Jefferson back then.
Cocke did visit Jefferson at Monticello several times.
The white relatives of Thomas Jefferson say it was one of the Carr brothers which were cousins.
My feeling is that we haven’t had enough impeachments in our history.
Mike Church offers no-holds barred commentary on the moral & political decay of the modern world but unlike all other hosts, Mike offers solutions to these ills, solutions rooted in the wisdom of the Fathers, founding and Church!