The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show- From Nadal Hassan To Audrey Elizabeth Hale, Mass Murderers Have 1 Thing In Common

today03/30/2023 307 1

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6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Death Dealer Murders

HEADLINE: ‘Death Dealer’ statue at heart of Frazetta dispute by Howard Frank

  • Artist Frank Frazetta Sr. is locked in a bitter legal dispute with his oldest son over the rights to use his artwork and the money the son received for it.
  • The statue depicts an armored 6-foot-6-inch warrior wielding a menacing hatchet and astride an imposing Shire draft horse. The art became the adopted symbol of the Army’s III Corps in 1985.
  • And at the center of it: a life-size statue of Frazetta’s menacing “Death Dealer,” commissioned for the U.S. Army and delivered to Fort Hood just three weeks before a massacre there killed 13.
  • I get the different divisions have their own mascots. 
  • What about the 2 Divine Natures?
  • This is Corp III
  • They chose this demonic creature instead.
  • The “Death Dealer” statue was unveiled at a ceremony at Fort Hood on Sept. 15, 2009 — just three weeks before an Army psychiatrist opened fire on the base, killing 13 and injuring 30. 
  • 3 weeks after statue, kills 13 and injures 30 – at the III Corps

HEADLINE: Hero: Katherine Koonce, Head Of Nashville Christian School, Ran Toward Transgender Murderer’s Gunfire by Elle Purnell 

  • This principal or headmaster stopped her Zoom call and confronted Audrey Hale in the hallway.
  • This gave the teachers time to get the students to safety.
  • She is a true hero much like the 9 year old Evelyn Dieckhaus that ran into the hallway to pull the fire alarm?
  • QUESTION: What defines a Mass Shooting?
  • ANSWER: killing 4 or more
  • 2019 number of Mass Shootings was 146
  • 2021 number of Mass Shootings was 244
  • Today self mutilators are called heroes. 
  • Self harm and self mutilators were kept in mental institutions. 
  • We no longer have those facilities. 
  • QUESTION: Who was keeping and taking care of all these patients back then?
  • ANSWER: Nuns
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 Tennessee Shooting

  • It has been reported now that Audrey Hale did ‘threat assessments’ on a few schools and then chose to go to Covenant Christian school b/c of less security. 
 HEADLINE: The Six Christians Martyred In Nashville Are A Call To Repentance To All Who Will Hear It by Joy Pullmann 

  • I believe these people that were victims are in Heaven but you can’t proclaim it. 
  • Here’s Jesus in Matthew chapter 10:

If they have called the master of the house [Jesus] Beelzebub, how much more will they call those of his household! … Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell…

Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.

Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.

1h34mAUDIO/VIDEO: Dem Rep Jamaal Bowman harasses Rep Thomas Massie – He corners Massie to shout “kids are dying” and then just doesn’t stop shouting.

  • This is a classic tactic to steer someone away from the actual point and facts.
  • You scream, you bully…have you ever…..
  • That is the classic take on the left w/ any issue.
  • If Thomas Massie was a jerk he could file assault charges on him but Thomas is a nice guy so he won’t.
1h44mHEADLINE: Senate Votes to End COVID-19 National Emergency Declaration Early by Cecelia Smith Schoenwalder 

HEADLINE: Senate Votes to Repeal Biden Regulation of US Waters, Wetlands by Jackson Richman 

  • The disapproval resolution passed the House on March 9, 227–198. It was passed in accordance with the Congressional Review Act, which allows Congress to strike down regulations within 60 days of passage. However, President Joe Biden is expected to veto the resolution. It’s unlikely that Republicans would get the needed two-thirds majority to override a veto.
  • We have a regulation three letter organization that calls a creek on private property and claim it is a waterway!
  • They can cease them and shut them down. 
  • This could happen on anyones farm land.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson on Tennessee shootingThey still claim the motive hasn’t been determined. They were murdered b/c they were Christian, it’s that simple. Transgenderists hate Christians above all…b/c Christians refuse to join every other liar in our society & proclaim that transgenderists are gods.

  • The 9 year old child was a child that survived a birth.
  • They didn’t get aborted.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Clay HigginsThere’s no such thing as gun violence there’s only human violence and the number one cause of death for children in America remains abortion. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Anna Paulina Luna on late term abortionBrings images of late term abortions and gets choked up while describing them. Tells everyone in the chamber to look at them, don’t look away.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Ilhan Ohmar on gun violenceAs an American I’m heartbroken, I’m ashamed at the lack of political will to keep our kids safe from our Republican colleagues.

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8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


HEADLINE: California moves ahead with ‘state-sanctioned kidnapping bill’ that would allow therapists to take children from families without notice or provocation by Mia Ashton 

  • If you are Christian and you live in California, you have ZERO parental rights now.
  • They passed this and it allows doctors, therapist and now school councilors to remove, basically kidnap your child from you.
  • A California Judiciary Committee heard testimony on Tuesday for and against a bill that would allow a mental health professional to place a child as young as 12 in a residential shelter facility without parental knowledge or consent and without there being any prior allegations of incest or child abuse.
  • QUESTION: Who runs the residential shelter?






















Michael Kurek

American composer and Tennessee Laureate

Author of Adventures in Great Music

Latest CD – Symphony No 2 – Tales from the Realm of Faerie 

HOST Catholic Adventures in GREAT Music – show aired only on the Crusade Channel

  • Why doesn’t anyone know about these works?
  • They have been suppressed b/c they went to Germany to take lessons then came back and composed.
  • The people here claimed they didn’t learn it hear so it wasn’t American.
  • George Whitefield Chadwick 
  • John Knowles Paine
  • Edward MacDowell
  • Charles Tomlinson Griffes 
  • Life of Washington book by Mike Church 

AUDIO/VIDEO: John Knowles Paine – Mass in D-minor 

  • Glen Campbell – Jimmy Web song and the chords the remarkable harmonies that are so different than other country tunes.
  • Sanctified Imagination
  • Eagles – Seven Bridges Road
  • Again I don’t want to sound like a know it all but – that is from in early American Sacred Harp Singing and the hymnody, like Amazing Grace, they were harmonized indifferently than Bach b/c if one goes up one must go up or downward. 
  • This is called Naturally parallelism – together up or down but comes straight from American Hymnody. 
  • Parallel Organdom sing in 5ths so it does ultimately come from Gregorian Chant.
  • There is a heritage. 
  • We have gotten worse in our craft and dumbed everything down.
  • No one seems to be doing things like the Pieta or paint like Leonardo.
  • We have sort of lost the beauty and true masters of their crafts. 

HEADLINE: Celebrated composer and Vanderbilt professor emeritus Michael Kurek named composer laureate of Tennessee by Vanderbilt University

  • Johnny Williams – became John Williams
  • Adam 12 TV show
  • QUESTION: Is the theme of Jaws a rip off of anything?
  • ANSWER: Yes if you listen to New World Symphony – Dvorak 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Dvorak – New World Symphony full 

  • In America they are mostly modernist that do A-tonal music which means it doesn’t have a HOME note – 19th century.
  • Crusade Max Exclusive – Classical Music for Beginners? 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Dem Rep Jamaal Bowman harasses Rep Thomas MassieHe corners Massie to shout “kids are dying” and then just doesn’t stop shouting. 
 HEADLINE: Kentucky BANS child sex changes, overrides governor’s veto by Roberto Wakerell-Cruz 
3h45mHEADLINE: REVEALED: Nashville shooter was having ‘private counseling sessions’ with school’s head pastor before massacre where she shot dead his nine-year-old daughter ‘because HE wasn’t on site’ by Emma James 

  • Ex-pastor at the school Jim Bachmann has now claimed that she was receiving private sessions from the current pastor of the school – Chad Scruggs.
 HEADLINE: Dumb phones are on the rise in the U.S. as Gen Z looks to limit screen time by Liam Mays 

HEADLINE: Why You Should Destroy Your Smart Phone Now by Simon Elmer 

 HEADLINE: Beauty and modesty, the splendor of a catholic Woman by S.A.R. Don Sixto Enrique de Borbon

  • There’s no denying that it is very rare to see women wearing modest skirts or dresses, that is, that fulfill their function: to dress and not to undress. It is likely that our grandmothers or great-grandmothers did not wear pants or even refused to wear them, thank God; but unfortunately that generation is becoming extinct.
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Meta-tags for showDon Sixto Enrique de Borbon, modesty, Liam Mays, Simon Elmer, Gen Z, smartphones, Roberto Wakerell-Cruz, Emma James, Jim Bachmann, Chad Scruggs, Tennessee, Aubrey Hale, Kentucky, transgender, LGBTQ, California, Rep Jamaal Bowman, Rep Thomas Massie, Dvorak, John Williams, Michael Kurek, George Whitefield Chadwick, John Knowles Paine, Edward MacDowell, Charles Tomlinson Griffes, Howard Frank, Death Dealer, Fort Hood, Elle Purnell, Katherine Koonce, Frank Frazetta Sr, Evelyn Dieckhaus, Joy Pullmann, Saint Matthew, Cecelia Smith Schoenwalder, Rep Clay Higgins, Rep Ilhan Omar, Rep Anna Paulina Luna, late term abortion, gun control, George Washington

Written by: Justin Redman