The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-It’s July 3rd, Time To MAFA: Make America Free Again

today07/03/2023 284

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It is July 3rd and the Kind Dude shows you how to Make America Free Again. 

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –

  • National Geographic is done
  • July 4th Independence Day is upon us
  • France is burning to the ground
  • Ukraine/Russia updates


HEADLINE: White House Wants To Block Sunlight To Save Planet From ‘Global Warming’ via ZeroHedge 

  • With the increase – Foundations Restored – when it is cloudy out there the UV light can go through the clouds. 
  • You can still get a sunburn when it’s cloudy outside.
  • You get more clouds, you get more heat refraction back into space.

Remember the Simpson’s covered this already –

AUDIO/VIDEO: I Call This Enemy….THE SUN 

HEADLINE: White House Considering Blocking Sunlight to Prevent Greenhouse Warming by Naveen Athrappully 

  • The White House is suggesting the “possible deployment” of radical climate change techniques like artificially blocking sunlight as part of its climate change agenda despite expert warnings that such initiatives can have devastating effects on the planet.
  • Let’s say we do everything the government says we are supposed to do, what is the ideal planet temperature?
  • When will we know we have reached peak prime temperature?


  • So get ready folks…the scientist say you only have 6 years left, are you prepared?

BACK to EPOCH Times Article:

  • SRM will not undo the consequences of greenhouse gas emissions. For instance, “SRM would not ameliorate most of the impacts of ocean acidification … nor eliminate the tendency for fossil fuel burning to worsen air quality.”
 HEADLINE: Age of Gender Dysphoria Diagnosis Dropping by Dr Peter McCullough  

  • If gender dysphoria was an organic psychiatric illness, it would have steady epidemiological parameters. The enormous campaign for transgender acceptance, hypersexuality, and pornography introduced into schools appears to be working. As the data show, gender dysphoria is still largely a post-pubertal issue, however, the curves are reaching down to the pre-pubertal age groups.
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.






AUDIO/VIDEO: King Charles III activates the ‘Climate Clock’ 

HEADLINE: King Charles III activates the ‘Climate Clock’ – ‘Only 6 years & 24 days left to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees’ – But he previously issued 10 year, 18 month, 100 month & 35 year tipping points by Marc Marano 

  • Each year a tree is alive it makes a ring right?
  • What do trees breathe?
  • What do they exhale? 
  • If a tree is breathing in CO2 and it is breathing out O2 wouldn’t you say that trees are beneficial? 
  • Scientist go into the arctic and they use these massive auger bits.
  • They extract and Ice Core Sample – 
  • So what do the ice core samples tell us?
  • Around the time of King David in the Bible –
  • Major headlines about climate since 1967:
  • 1967: Dire famine by 1975.
  • 1969: Everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1989.
  • 1970: Ice age by 2000
  • 1970: America subject to water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980.
  • 1971: New Ice Age Coming
  • 1972: New ice age by 2070
  • 1974: New Ice Age Coming Fast
  • 1974: Another Ice Age?
  • 1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life
  • 1976: The Cooling
  • 1978: No End in Sight’ to 30-Year Cooling Trend
  • 1988: James Hansen forecasts increase regional drought in 1990s
  • 1988: Washington DC days over 90F to from 35 to 85
  • 1988: Maldives completely under water in 30 years
  • 1989: Rising seas to ‘obliterate’ nations by 2000
  • 1989: New York City’s West Side Highway underwater by 2019
  • 2000: ‘Children won’t know what snow is.’
  • 2002: Famine in 10 years
  • 2004: Britain to have Siberian climate by 2020
  • 2008: Arctic will be ice-free by 2018
  • 2008: Al Gore warns of ice-free Arctic by 2013
  • 2009: Prince Charles says only 8 years to save the planet
  • 2009: UK prime minister says 50 days to ‘save the planet from catastrophe’
  • 2013: Arctic ice-free by 2015
  • 2013: Arctic ice-free by 2016
  • 2014: Only 500 days before ‘climate chaos
  • They aren’t trying to stop the transgender bus, they are simply chronicling their wins.
  • They don’t seem to care this is happening to our children.












AUDIO/VIDEO: Kim Iversen Show on COVID Vaccine Side EffectsNew Investigation finds 1 in 3 Pfizer Vaccine Doses May Have Been Placebo – They were experimenting on people. There’s no other way to slice it. The only other thing that’s possible is that they were covering up for the massive # of side effects…and the only way to mitigate it, to keep the public calm and to keep taking our injection is to give a chunk of them a placebo. 

  • So we told you guys this when the vaccine started the rollout. 
  • Operation Warp Speed – 
  • This allowed the protein spike – it killed every single test subject before it was rolled out to the humans.
  • Remember they all died prematurely. 
  • If 1/3 of the population got placebos, what did they do with the data?
  • There is evidence from Steve Kirsch – he is very active in this COVID stuff still.
  • He wants to get to the bottom of what Pfizer and Moderna did to the American citizens and other humans across the planet.
  • What is now being discovered those that really got the COVID vaccine, they have it for life.
  • The protein spike never leaves their body.

HEADLINE: VERY URGENT: The fertility crisis in mRNA countries is deepening by Alex Berenson 

  • The trend is not universal, and how the jabs might damage fertility remains unclear. They cause serious menstrual changes in many women, but large studies show their use in pregnancy does not cause miscarriages. If they are doing harm, it probably comes earlier, by reducing the odds of conception or implantation of new embryos. Several studies show sperm declines in men who’ve received them.
  • Remember we heard nothing but daily news from Israel on how they immediately vaccinated all it’s people.
  • They had over 90% of their population vaccinated right off the bat.
  • Why aren’t we hearing anything about their mortality rate now?
  • There was a reason they pulled the trigger on this Event 201 Event.
  • Why are all of these people still in power?
  • The only people gone are the ones that resigned.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden on ‘alternative path’ for student debt reliefI’m announcing today a new path consistent w/ today’s ruling to as many people as possible. This will allow Sec Cardona to compromise, waive or release loans under certain circumstances. 

  • This is extraordinary.
  • He just does whatever he wants to do.
  • He just keeps moving from court to court until he finds a judge that will do what he wants.
  • The Biden Regime is told no on student loan debt so his reaction is oh yeah…watch this bub.
  • This is lawlessness.
  • An utter rejection of the Rule of Law.
2h15mAUDIO/VIDEO: AOC on State of the Union discussing SCOTUSThere also must be impeachment on the table. We have a broad level of tools to deal w/ misconduct, overreach, and abuse of power and the Supreme Court has not been receiving the adequate oversight necessary in order to preserve their own legitimacy. 

HEADLINE: Justice Alito Launches Preemptive Strike On Leftist Hit Piece by Jordan Boyd

Jack Ryan Season 3 – Who do you think you work for?

  • No one in the DC area actually work for the American people.
  • They work for the people w/ the all the money and 3rd world entities. 
  • Unlocked movie w/ Noomi Rapace – 2017

AUDIO/VIDEO: AOC on State of the Union discussing SCOTUS unchecked powerThe courts, if they were to proceed w/o any check on their power, w/o any balance on their power, then we will start to see an undemocratic and frankly dangerous authoritarian expansion of power in the SCOTUS which is what we are seeing now.

  • You don’t get a vote on Article III
  • If there was ever going to be a change in the number of Justices, it doesn’t matter what the sitting President says.
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Crusade – Congress For Altar Culture and Trade (are available for purchase)
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Actor Sean Patrick Flanery joins Dan Ball on OANN discussing NefariousThis used to be conversations only held behind trees and in closets. This is my culture, the message, my lifestyle and I’m flattered people are embracing it….I am proud of it.
2h49mAUDIO/VIDEO: Gov Josh Shapiro on w/ Jen Psaki MSNBCTriggered by groups like Moms4Liberty – We should go on the offense and counter some of this rhetoric of the other side trying to own freedom, and rights and parental choice. We are the party of freedom. 

  • So what is real freedom exactly?
  • You don’t own the term marriage.
  • No political party owns the term.
  • God has already told us what marriage is!
  • One MAN and one WOMAN.
  • Someone needs to tell one of these whackos, that removing the other human from a female body is murder.
  • That is a separate human being!
  • With different DNA.
  • You can’t show pictures of all your transgender children b/c 40% of them are dead b/c they killed themselves. 
  • They should campaign on this topic.
  • We pray they do.
  • The Democrat party is the party of mutilation from the womb to the breasts when they escape the womb.
  • We don’t have to have decorum w/ people that have this mentality.
  • Shame on all of you in Pennsylvania that voted for this creep.
 Fireworks on the 4th of July

  • Why are all the firework stands called CRAZY _____?
  • Why are they all crazy and why are they all male names?
3h16mIndependence Day

Thomas Jefferson 

John Dickinson – he didn’t even show up on July 2nd 

The 2nd version of why Pennsylvania is the Key Stone state – 

January 1st – James Adams wrote a letter to his wife Abigail Adams – He said he would fight for a Independency Letter.

  • Adams was not very well liked.
  • He was a little guy w/ short-man syndrome…people didn’t have a very high opinion of him but he got things done.
  • Lee Resolution – 
  • On the 9th of June – Adams writes this to William Cushing – 
3h57mHEADLINE: 8 Straight-Fire Quotes From Neil Gorsuch’s Defense Of Free Speech In 303 Creative by Shawn Fleetwood

  1. Gorsuch blasted Justice Sonia Sotomayor and the dissent for distorting the facts of the case.
  2. State-enforced speech is a blatant violation of the First Amendment. 
  3. The dissent’s arguments in favor of coercing Smith’s speech are illogical. 
  4. The First Amendment guarantees free speech protections for all Americans. 
  5. Nuking the dissent for abandoning its obligation to uphold free speech. 
  6. The Constitution calls for tolerance of others’ speech and religious expression, not state-enforced coercion. 
  7. Free speech is a foundational principle of the American experiment. 
  8. The Constitution trumps all.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Pete Buttigieg on SCOTUS website and LGBTQ decisionThere is no evidence that this web designer was never even approached by a gay couple. It appears this web designer only went into the wedding business for the purpose of provoking a case like this.

  • Do you know how hard it is to get your case before SCOTUS?
  • So Little Pete wants us to believe that this whole case was a scam?
  • That this web developer had no case at all?
  • School Libraries – 
  • Trust Our Librarians – hers in St Tammany Parish 
  • They suggested giving children different color cards so the librarians could immediately determine age for the kids in question. 
  • If these kinds of books found their way to our little libraries here in St Tammany Parish, they are in ALL libraries across the nation.
 The Federal Government vs The Individual States

  • The Federal government for some time now has acted as if the states exist on their behalf.
  • The states created this beast.
  • The Federal gov is a creature.
  • Thus it has a creator…the STATES created this entity.
  • We get some things correct locally but we don’t get things large scale right, we never have.
  • Look at pornography and abortion – it is world-wide, wide spreading and the government has tried to keep it in place at every turn.
  • It should be removed from every single level.
  • State by state.
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Meta-tags for showPete Buttigieg, SCOTUS, LGBTQ, Shawn Fleetwood, Neil Gorsuch, William Crushing, Lee Resolution, Constitution, Sonia Sotomayor, James Adams, Abigail Adams, John Dickinson, Key Stone State, Independence Day, global warming, climate clock, climate change, King Charles III, Naveen Athrappully, Foundations Restored, gender dysphoria, gender-affirming care, Josh Shapiro, Jen Psaki, DNA, Sean Patrick Flanery, Nefarious, OANN, Dr Peter McCullough, Jordan Boyd, AOC, Justice Alito, Moms4Liberty, Joe Biden, student loan debt, Event 201, COVID, Pfizer, Operation Warp Speed, Kim Iverson, Alex Berenson, mRNA, spike protein, Marc Morano, Climate Depot

Written by: Justin Redman