The Mike Church Show-State Of The DISunion: This Is Your Brain. This Is Your Brain On Woke. Any Questions?

today02/08/2023 284

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
 The SOTU Address

  • Ran the text of Biden’s speech and it was a 7th grade reading level.
  • Flesh-Kincaid Readability Test 
  • The highlight was probably Jill Biden kissing Kamala Harris’ husband on the lips upon her arrival.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Gov Sarah Huckabee Sanders on SOTUMost American’s want to live in peace but we are caught in a culture war we didn’t start. Every day we are told we must partake in their rituals, salute their flags & worship their false idols.

 Grammy Awards – 

  • They were purely Satanic in nature. 
  • Nothing was good, true and beautiful.
  • Madonna was given 2 minutes to introduce an award in which she used the time to berate Christians.



Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene

HEADLINE: Chinese Spy Balloon Shot Down, Falling Toward Atlantic by Eva Fu 

  • The Chinese surveillance balloon drifting east toward the Atlantic Ocean has been shot down by the U.S. military and is now falling into the sea, video shows. 
  • It flies over Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana.

HEADLINE: NORAD Pleads Incompetence Over Failure To Spot Trump-Era Chinese Spy Balloons via ZeroHedge 

  • This is another Biden Regime cover-up.
  • This 100% never happened under the Trump administration.
  • John Bombin Bolton would have taken that thing down.
  • The other major embarrassment about this is that Billy Bob in Montana spotted it before our government or NORAD did.
1h01mHEADLINE: Church of England considers making God ‘gender neutral’ to be ‘more inclusive’ by Libby Emmons 
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.
 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


HEADLINE: Fears of worsening egg shortage in New Zealand as fire kills 50,000 hens at farm by Tess McClure 

VITAL Farms Eggs – 

  • There is an egg shortage all across the world apparently.
  • There seems to be a real event being waged against natural methods of farming.
  • Back to the Land Movement – 
  • If people are looking to move, many of them will be looking to move where there is land.
  • The attraction of the urban city life is losing it’s charm for most people.
  • New Zealand’s Zeagold Farm – A fire at New Zealand’s largest egg producer has killed about 50,000 hens, sparking fears that a national egg shortage could worsen.













SOTU AddressInflation has fallen every month for the last 6 months while take home pay has gone up.

  • There is so much insane usury in the mortgage system they could take haircuts.
  • They aren’t selling homes so they are taking loans that will cost nothing to them but make for them $500,000. 
  • Do you see how all of this works?
  • Panic bells are being rung in real estate and home construction.
  • QUESTION: You now what IS on the rise?
  • ANSWER: Apartment Rentals
  • SOTU AddressBiden gets booed as he lies about their intention to cut Medicare & SS.
  • We all know he went off script here b/c you can pull up what he was SUPPOSED to say from the WH website.
  • SOTU AddressRepublicans shout BORDER and It’s your Fault – when Biden bring up Americans dying of fentanyl. 
  • SOTU Addressdetails heroic story of a man who disarmed and active shooter then uses the opportunity to call for a ban on assault weapons. 
  • SOTU Addressclaims the attack on Paul Pelosi was b/c of the Jan 6 riot.
  • You are never going to break the Blue Wall.
  • Until SCOTUS steps in and ends what is happening in Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania there will never be another Republican in the White House.
  • SOTU AddressCongress must restore the right that was taken away w/ Roe v Wade. We are doing everything we can to safeguard healthcare and reproductive rights. 
  • SOTU AddressName me a world leader who would change places w/ Xi Jinping! Name me one! Name me one! 
  • SOTU AddressWe are going to need oil at least for another decade…Republicans erupt in laugher.
 Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at



























Special Guest Brother Andre Marie

Host of ReConquest aired only on the Crusade Channel

Follow Brother Andre Marie on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

Saint of the Day – Janet Huxley 

Saint John of Matha – He was the cofounder with Saint Felix of Valois, in 1197, of the Order of Trinitarians for the redemption of Catholic captives who were taken by the Mohammedans.

  • Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg (1405-1468) – On 28th November 1443 during a campaign against the Hungarians, Skanderbeg deserted the Ottoman Army along with 300 Albanians under his command; He took control of Kruje castle by using a fake letter from the Sultan which gave him control of the area.  Once established he declared to be in revolt against the Ottomans and took the double headed eagle as his flag which had long been used in the Balkans and was to become the basis of the Albanian flag. Skanderbeg worked quickly to gather support by marriage and diplomacy and united many of the Albanian princes in 1444 in the League of Lezhe. Skanderbeg quickly formed a mobile force which used hit and run tactics against the Ottoman forces making use of the mountainous terrain and local support. The league could field about 18,000 troops but only about 4000 were under Skanderbeg’s direct command.
  • Usury broadly defined is interest on any loan.
  • The Church has steered clear from this for a very long time on this issue.
  • Usury is the economic system of the West.
  • Most of our economies are based on usury.
  • Given the fluidity of modern economics and the reality of this constant inflation the value – there isn’t an objective standard to the value of money.
  • Crude Example – you lend me $1,000 and then you said pay me back 1 year from now no interest. If I give you $1,000 a year from now you lost money b/c the money is worth MORE in the year.
  • If the farmer is accumulating capital that he will need year over year to farm, and he has leftover at the end of one year and sells for profit, that is NOT usury b/c it is a product of his labor.
  • Economics for Helen
  • The Usurer gets his money not matter what.

AUDIO/VIDEO: SOTU AddressCongress must restore the right that was taken away w/ Roe v Wade. We are doing everything we can to safeguard healthcare and reproductive rights.

  • Defending liberty maximumly, then denying that killing babies and denying them the right to live is….
  • When you pursue what you CALL freedoms – that isn’t freedom that is enslavement.
  • We understand this intuitively when we see a drug addict.
  • We don’t understand it when it comes to sexual sins.
  • They are blinding on the soul they darken our intellect in a way it can lead to spiritual blindness.
  • WE don’t want to see the truth, we can’t see the truth.
  • We have a complete political class that is blinded by their sexual sins.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Gov Sarah Huckabee Sanders on SOTUMost American’s want to live in peace but we are caught in a culture war we didn’t start. Every day we are told we must partake in their rituals, salute their flags & worship their false idols.

  • The soon to be married living in an inappropriate state.
  • Living together before marriage.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump on SOTU AddressUnder Biden the murder rate has reached the highest in our country, real wages are down and gas prices are still soaring.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Trevor Noah at 75th Grammy Awardsmakes a joke that his mother called to say she would pray for everyone there after the demonic performance.“no mom it wasn’t the actual devil. Yeah you did ware me about Hollywood.”

AUDIO/VIDEO: Madonna at 75th Grammy Awards Beautifully Unholy 

 HEADLINE: The Rise Of Pop Culture’s Woke Satanism, How Not To Take Their Bait, And The Joys of Being Old and Old Fashioned by Celia Farber  

  • They were “good” and “gold” until they “weren’t.” They built a home and “watched” it burn. (Their actual house burned down.) The protagonist didn’t want to “leave,” and also didn’t want to “lie.” She “started to cry,” until she apparently stopped, when she remembered—what? That she can buy herself flowers. Write her name in the sand—and so forth. She can discover herself as the object (sender and receiver) of the love she did not get from her husband. 
  • They have come full circle: “Yes. We are practicing Satanists. We dare you to object. That too, is part of our trap, since entrapment, to quote poet Ed Dorn, is our sole activity.”
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene on SOTU AddressWe called him out, I called him a liar. We couldn’t understand what he was actually talking about half the time. 
  BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
Meta-tags for showRep Marjorie Taylor Greene, Celia Farber, pop culture, Satanism, Madonna, Grammy Awards, Donald Trump, SOTU, Trevor Noah, Gov Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Ed Dorn, Roe v Wade, Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg, Brother Andre Marie, Wisdom Wednesday, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Chinese spy balloon, Eva Fu, NORAD, Military Industrial Complex, Libby Emmons, Church of England, Tess McClure, Janet Huxley, Saint John of Matha, Xi Jinping, Communism, border, immigration, abortion, inflation, New Zealand, eggmageddon, regenerative farming, food shortage, pentagon, old fashioned, Sam Cook, gender neutral 

Written by: Justin Redman