The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-The Big Story No One Is Reporting

today07/26/2023 286

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –

  • UPS made the deal w/ the teamsters
  • Biden is going to be impeached soon
  • Sean Hannity hosts Town Hall w/ Robert F Kennedy Jr
  • Wisdom Wednesday
  • Blessing of the chariots
43mHEADLINE: Burlington store in Sacramento is raided by trio of female shoplifters who make VERY slow getaway pushing shopping carts filled with stolen booty by Keith Griffith 

  • Headquartered in New Jersey, Burlington Stores operates more than 900 off-price retail locations across the country, and recorded $8.7 billion in net sales last year.
  • According to the National Retail Federation, ‘shrinkage’ cost retailers $94.5 billion nationwide in 2021, up from $90.8 billion from 2020. Shrink includes loss from theft, fraud or employee error. 
  • Senate Bill 553 was passed by the state Senate last month and is currently in committee in the state Assembly.
  • We have an obesity problem. 
  • Everyone knows it but now we are saying that fat is healthy.
  • Fat is NEVER healthy!
 HEADLINE: Climate Change Indicators: Heat Waves by United States EPA 

  • This figure shows changes in the number of heat waves per year (frequency); the average length of heat waves in days (duration); the number of days between the first and last heat wave of the year (season length); and how hot the heat waves were, compared with the local temperature threshold for defining a heat wave (intensity). These data were analyzed from 1961 to 2021 for 50 large metropolitan areas. The graphs show averages across all 50 metropolitan areas by decade.

HEADLINE: A crucial system of ocean currents is heading for a collapse that ‘would affect every person on the planet’ by Laura Paddison 

  • So they are finally able to grow mangos in Italy.
  • They haven’t been able to grow anything there for a very long time.
  • We have been saying they haven’t been able to feed themselves and now they can grow mangos and we are all upset b/c it is warmer?
1h06mHEADLINE: On Jason Aldean’s Controversial “Try That In A Small Town” by Trigger 
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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 Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 We are LIVE on YouTube this segment – on Restoring the Faith Media 
1h32mAUDIO/VIDEO: Speaker McCarthy on the investigation into Biden family corruptionYou’ve got to get to the bottom of the truth, and the only way Congress can do that is go to impeachment inquiry that gives Republicans and Democrats the ability to get all the information. 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Marjorie Taylor GreeneI am demanding we move forward on an impeachment hearing on Joe Biden. We must expunge President Trump’s wrongful impeachments, and we much impeach Joe Biden. 
















HEADLINE: “Nothing to See Here”: Members and the Media Panic as the Biden Scandal Mounts by Jonathan Turley 

  • The members discussed everything from the Emmett Till murder in 1955 to whether the term “two-tiered justice system” is racially insensitive … and of course, Donald Trump.
  • It was clear that the release of the new evidence of corruption had left no room to maneuver for both Democrat politicians and the media.
  • Any question would now trip a wire on the Bidens, so most avoid the allegations in favor of talking about Trump or other shiny objects.
  • It was always about Ukraine, what an irony.
  • What was most striking about the last hearing involving two respected IRS whistleblowers was how Democratic members avoided virtually any specific questions.
  • Why did Richard Nixon resign?
  • Because Senator Frank Church and others told him he was going to get an impeachment charge soon.
  • They played the long game to get rid of Nixon.
  • He took us off the Gold Standard, so Nixon was storing up treasures in hell basically.
  • They got rid of him and got their guy Carter in there.
  • How did they rid themselves of Trump?
  • They launched COVID that is what happened.
  • All of those lockdowns, all of that was planned.
  • That brings us to today.
  • They have a chance ONLY IF Biden isn’t impeached.
  • They will tell Biden to fall on his sword but the problem is no one wants Kamala Harris.
  • They have to get rid of her and then boost their person.
  • Who will that be?
  • Gavin Newsom – he brings a lot to the table for them. 
  • He has had a stronghold in California even as the state has fallen from grace.
  • They still vote for him year after year they love him.
  • I suspect they don’t want the dirt on the Biden Crime Family to come out b/c there will be other Democratic implications.
  • Kamala Harris is not the future so who do they think is the future of the Democrat party?
  • Biden is not going to be tried.
  • There will be no trial for impeachment.
  • This corruption is so deep, they simply cannot afford any of this to get out.
  • The end of the Regime is near b/c yesterday the teamsters made a deal w/ United Parcel Service.
  • Now why do I say this has the potential or reflects on the Biden Regime?
  • If UPS would have gone on strike this would have removed millions of small town packages to Americans.
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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Wisdom Wednesday

Brother Andre Marie 

Follow Brother on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

Host of ReConquest aired only on The Crusade Channel

HEADLINE: Saint Anne (3 B.C.) by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 

  • “Good Saint Anne” is the loving way many Catholics address the mother of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. Mary, the child of Saint Anne, was born fifteen years, three months and seventeen days before the birth of Jesus. Fifty years after Saint Anne’s death, Saint Anne’s body was brought to France by Saint Mary Magdalen and her companions in the year 47. Countless churches have been dedicated to Saint Anne all over the world. Canada is particularly devoted to her, and has a beautiful shrine named for her there, called “Saint Anne de Beaupre,” to which people come from everywhere

HEADLINE: Endurance Of Electric Vehicles Falters In Extreme Heat via ZeroHedge 

Blessing of the Chariots – 

  • Saint Phillip
  • God gives us things so that we may glorify Him.
  • Any age the faithful were deeply impressed w/ the obligation to give glory to God.
  • “The burning zeal for God’s glory that motivates you fills my heart with joy. It is sad for us to see in our own time that indifferentism in its many forms is spreading like an epidemic not only among the laity but also among religious. But God is worthy of glory beyond measure, and therefore it is of absolute and supreme importance to seek that glory with all the power of our feeble resources. Since we are mere creatures we can never return to him all that is his due. The most resplendent manifestation of God’s glory is the salvation of souls, whom Christ redeemed by shedding his blood. To work for the salvation and sanctification of as many souls as possible, therefore, is the preeminent purpose of the apostolic life. Let me, then, say a few words that may show the way toward achieving God’s glory and the sanctification of many souls.” –  From the Letters of St. Maximilian Kolbe

HEADLINE: Indifferentism as a Sin against the Love of God by Brother Andre Marie 

  • Indifferentism is the heresy, formally condemned by the Catholic Church, that says that one can go to heaven in any religion, not only the one that Jesus Christ established for man’s salvation. Because of my community’s unique raison d’être, there are many postings on our site dedicated to the subject. In considering the heresy once again in this context of a future cardinal saying he does not want to convert young people to Christ or the Church, it my intention to show the practical living of this heresy to be a sin against charity, not only as love of neighbor (the “second” commandment; cf. Matt. 22:39), but, especially, as love of God, concerning which Our Lord said, “This is the greatest and the first commandment” (Matt 22:38).
  • Indifferentism is a sin against the theological virtue of faith, as all heresy is. Now, grave sins against faith and hope remove charity from the soul, as do all mortal sins. But what demands our attention here is a kind of “practical indifferentism,” by which an individual, who may or may not explicitly subscribe to the heresy of indifferentism, lives as if that heresy is true and thus has no care for the evangelization and ultimate salvation of his neighbor. 
  • The original vision of the Founding Fathers – 
  • It is possible to have a Christian nation or a series of allied Christian states that are confederated. 

HEADLINE: Was Pope Benedict the Katechon for the Antichrist? by T.S. Flanders 

  • What does all this mean? Fear not, brethren. Let’s not forget how the story ends: the katechon is removed, paving the way for the Antichrist. But this wicked one is he whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth; and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming (II Thess. ii. 8). Satan’s reign is revealed in the Antichrist in order that all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity (v. 11). Yet the Lord Jesus Himself comes in the end to destroy Him.
  • Pope Francis News – 

HEADLINE: Episode 383: The Advantages of a Spiritual Retreat. Guest: Sister Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M.

 AUDIO/VIDEO: Gov Ron DeSantis on Joe Biden ImpeachmentThey impeached Trump for a phone call. Are you trying to tell me Biden’s conduct isn’t as significant as that? It’s way more significant. 
3h54mAUDIO/VIDEO: Senate Majority Leader Chuch SchumerResolution honoring the 50th anniversary of Hip-Hop was passed. 
 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
Meta-tags for showBrother Andre Marie, Wisdom Wednesday, Chuck Schumer, hip-hop, Donald Trump, Gov Ron DeSantis, Sister Maria Philomena, T.S. Flanders, Pope Benedict, Saint Maximillian Kolbe, Saint Phillip, blessing of the chariots, Keith Griffith, Burlington, Senate Bill 553, Laura Paddison, Saint Anne, ReConquest, Gavin Newsom, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Richard Nixon, Watergate, Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama, Jonathan Turley, Gold Standard, UPS, COVID, Tucker Carlson, Ice Cube, climate change, EV cars

Written by: Justin Redman