The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show- Wal-Mart’s Pride Promotion Deserves The Same Fate As Bud Light

today06/05/2023 234 1

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
 Holy Trinity Sunday

  • 3 persons in 1
  • Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • When you see images of infant Jesus, notice He holds 2 fingers up.
  • What does the two fingers mean?
  • He has 2 natures.

HEADLINE: The Extremely Right-Wing Wannabe Disney by Devin Leonard 

  • Most people who saw the ad for Jeremy’s Razors—“The Greatest Commercial Ever,” now viewed on YouTube 22 million times—probably thought it was a spoof. After a McLaren 600LT Spider hurtles into a parking spot reserved for “god king,” almost running over a middle-aged office worker, a sunglassed man in a $1,980 Gucci tracksuit jacket who looks like he was manufactured in an LA lab emerges. “Do you remember when there were two genders,” he asks, glaring into the camera, “and only one and a half of them had to shave their mustaches?”
46mHEADLINE: Prominent MAGA donor John Rumpel’s ‘entire family’ in DC area plane crash after F-16s tried contacting passed out pilot by Caitlin Hornik  

  • A Florida businessman and prominent MAGA donor has claimed ownership of the aircraft that flew over restricted airspace in Washington D.C. on Sunday, saying his entire family was onboard. 
  • Air National Guard F-16 jets were racing to catch the Cessna Citation aircraft that violated airspace in the Washington, D.C. area when they caused a sonic boom. 
  • Can a sonic boom cause another plane to crash?
  • How close would the two aircrafts have to be?
  • How does any of this make sense?
  • The plane then crashed in Southwest Virginia?
  • So instead of landing in NY, the plane then looped back toward Washington, DC.
  • Could this have been a pilot that was jabbed w/ the COVID shot?
  • What happens when you are in the sky and you get sonic boomed?

HEADLINE: GOP donor’s daughter and granddaughter, two, who were killed along with their nanny in private jet crash that triggered F-16 fighter jets to scramble above Virginia and cause sonic boom by Alex Hammer

 HEADLINE: YouTube reverses misinformation policy to allow U.S. election denialism by Sara Fischer

  • Is the misinformation that is now information, is it still denialism? 
  • YouTube will leave up content that says fraud, errors or glitches occurred in the 2020 presidential election and other U.S. elections, the company confirmed to Axios Friday.
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.














HEADLINE: Walmart to Offer Pride Merchandise Despite Controversies by Naveen Athrappully 

  • Walmart is continuing to provide LGBT products as part of Pride Month, the firm said on Wednesday amid a consumer backlash against multiple brands aligning with such ideologies.
  • As part of its “Pride & Joy” collection, Walmart is offering LGBT-friendly trinkets and accessories like pins, flags, tote bags, and more.
  • A controversial product being offered by Walmart is a “breathable” chest binder aimed at “trans, lesbian, and tomboys.” The binder, offered online, features pictures of a young girl modeling the product.
  • SIDE BAR – MLB – meeting the home run hitter at home plate. If you hit a pop-fly to shortstop you ran to 1st base w/ all your might regardless. The game has lost it’s chivalry. The men act like boys now. The MLB should say this type of display ‘the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ isn’t allowed in our stadiums.
  • BACK to STORY – 
  • Do you know what chest binders actually do to the young girls body?
  • Binding = is the act of compressing chest tissue to make the chest area appear flat. Individuals can achieve this using various compression techniques, such as using sports bras or specialized binders.
  • Possible risks of Chest Binding – 97% of chest binders have at least ONE of these issues.
  • 1. chest pain
  • 2. scarring
  • 3. overheating
  • 4. shortness of breath
  • 5. a buildup of fluid in the lungs
  • 6. reduced exercise tolerance
  • 7. broken ribs
  • 8. back pain
  • 9. skin issues
  • 10. difficulty speaking
  • What if you think you are living in 2 dimensions? 
  • Do I get a letter in that Alphabet soup flag?
  • We don’t go around wearing clothing that states we have missionary hetero-sex!
  • That isn’t appropriate so why does the homosexual community think it’s okay?
  • We shouldn’t be defined by our sexual desires.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Mike Wallace in 1957 interviews Margaret Sanger founder of Planned ParenthoodI think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world that have disease from their parents, that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically. 

  • This is what evil sounds like.
  • She clearly states that if a criminal has a child, the child is a criminal.
  • She is telling you that she doesn’t believe any degenerates should have offspring.
2h05mHEADLINE: No Forgiveness For Pandemic Sins Until The Guilty Repent by John Daniel Davidson

AUDIO/VIDEO: New CDC Director Many CohenRecalls how she and her colleagues came up w/ COVID mandates during her time as NC Health Director.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Dr Phil Show (transgender debates 5th grade teacher on transgenders having a mensuration cycleYou’re just making this up. You can pretend to be whatever you want, that’s fine but don’t ask us to follow along w/ your delusion. You claim b/c I believe in the science I am being hateful, I have no hate in my heart.

  • The beginning of this clip she states, to have tampons in the restroom for the transgender person that may not be able to afford them, where are they going to put said tampon?
  • In their pocket? Up their bumhole?
  • WHERE exactly b/c their bodies don’t have that hole.
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Crusade – Congress For Altar Culture and Trade (are available for purchase)
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Speaker Kevin McCarthy on debt ceiling deal being signedThis is the first time we are finally spending less than we did the year before. This is the largest cut in American history. More than $2.1 trillion will be cut over the next 10 years.

  • DOING THE MATH: $200 billion a year divide by 5 and you get 4% – so this is a 4% reduction and you are waving the victory flag? 











Simulcasting w/ Archangel Radio

KV Turley and The King Dude

Marianne Williamson – total and complete non-contender, she is a nutcase.

QUESTION: Why do they put themselves through running continuously knowing they are going to lose?


Robert Kennedy Jr – 

  • Concerted campaign to paint him in a particular light with COVID and all.
  • He has been campaigning against the COVID shots, the information out about it and such. He isn’t an anti-vaxxer but he is against FORCED vaccines.
  • Gavin Newsome in California – 
  • Nikki Haley – no shot at all on winning anything.
  • That leaves us w/ 3 candidates: 
  • Ron DeSantis – as Governor of Florida we like him, as candidate for presidency in 2024 I think this is a political blunder.
  • No one is going to take this nomination from Donald Trump.
  • He is practicing for the next presidency but he is hurting his base w/ running now in 2024.
  • Is there someone that might come in and take Biden and Trump?
  • DeSantis and Kennedy – that would be the match-up
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Jennifer Psaki w/ Former FBI Director James Comey on 2024 electionIt has to be Joe Biden, it has to be someone committed to the rule of law, committed to the values of this country.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Vivek Ramaswamy announces – he will officially be debating in the GOP presidential primary election after making the RNC’s debate stage criteria.

  • So you see what drives the GOP now don’t you?
  • MONEY, it’s always been money, it will always be money.
 Shay’s Rebellion 1786-1787

  • There has to be another way to do this.
  • We acknowledge there is nothing that is perfect but there has to be another way.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Fox News Celebrates Pride MonthThe Catholic hosts are celebrating LGBTQ pride month

  • Tell me again how Fox is on our side?
  • With the image of the US and it states America Together Celebrates LGBTQ Month.
 Pittsburg Catholic Diocese 

On the Feast of Corpus Christi – 

  • A Mass to celebrate a Mass for the LGBTQ?
  • You can’t do this father – you are putting souls at risk of going to hell.
  • It is always the most egregious offense to God.
  • The left hates the Catholic faith but they really hate our Lord and Savior! 
  • Father Tom Burke – 
  • The only heart that matters is the Sacred Heart of Jesus – you are shattering His heart!
3h32mAUDIO/VIDEO: Gov Ron DeSantis at Iowas’s Roast and RideWe will shut the border down, we will build the border wall, we will end mass migration into this country. And we will hold the Mexican drug cartels accountable. 

  • I blame Governor Greg Abbott for a lot of this.
  • The Governor could have told the Biden Regime, we are gonna finish this wall, we will raise the money and do it ourselves.
  • Texans have the right to protect themselves from an invading force.
  • MILLIONS coming into their state unauthorized, is in-fact an invading force.
  • Sex traffickers, home builders and the Federal Government are to blame for this.
3h39mHEADLINE: Oliver North’s Iran Contra Jet Just Crashed? by George Webb 

  • I had just finished a speech in Tennessee about Oliver North designing a Continuity of Government jet shoot down over his wife Betsy’s hometown near Windber, Pennsylvania on Saturday when I heard about the downing of a plane in Virginia on Sunday.
  • All my thoughts immediately went to Rumpel’s NRA associate essentially writing that script decades before, based on a Tom Clancy novel, with a jet crashing into the Capitol, only North’s jet would put an end to tge Iran-Contra hearings. The attack, called Readiness Exercise 84, never occurred, but this plane flight seemed like an exact replay.
  • Readiness Exercise 84 or Rex 84 for short – 
  • The downing of the Cessna Citation 560 jet matched the descriptions of Oliver North’s first working plans for a Continuity of Government, with Amjad Awan, the key banker of Palmer Bank that financed Iran Contra, sending his plane full of Pakistani terrorist bankers, crashing into the Capitol.


HEADLINE: Ireland Mulls Over Plan To Kill 200,000 Cows To Fight Climate Change by The Telegraph 

  • Where is PETA on this?
  • What about my Kerrygold butter bruh?
  • The Irish Mirror said a new Department of Agriculture report shows officials planned to kill 200,000 dairy cows over the next three years to combat climate change. 


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Meta-tags for showGeorge Webb, Gov Ron DeSantis, Oliver North, Gov Gre Abbott, Iran Contra, PETA, Feast of Corpus Christi, LGBTQ, Holy Trinity, Devin Leonard, Air National Guard, F-16, NRA, Tom Clancy, Readiness Exercise 84, Palmer Bank, Caitlin Hornik, MAGA, COVID, John Rumpel, Ben Shapiro, Alex Hammer, Sara Fischer, YouTube, Shay’s Rebellion, Jennifer Psaki, FBI, James Comey, Gavin Newsome, Vivek Ramaswamy, Donald Trump, Robert Kennedy Jr, Archangel Radio, Kevin McCarthy, Ireland, debt ceiling

Written by: Justin Redman