The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show In Epic CPAC Speech, Trump Tells Libtards “You’re Fired And We Will Remove You!”

today03/06/2023 230

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel

  • Girls compete against boys and win but get disqualified b/c they are girls, boys pretending to be girls compete & dominate girls and they get celebrated.
  • The ‘Don’ speaks at CPAC
  • Transgender and LGBTQ
 HEADLINE: Alabama girls’ basketball team is DENIED championship trophy after being forced to play in a boys’ league – and then winning it! by Ben Nagle 


CPAC – Donald Trump 

HEADLINE: Trump ties a ribbon on the most MAGA CPAC yet by Natalie Allison and Meredith McGraw

  • In his one-hour, 45-minute CPAC finale speech, Trump boasted that the crowd here was firmly with him while bashing Republicans who were once stars of the annual confab.
  • “We had a Republican Party that was ruled by freaks, neocons, globalists, open border zealots, and fools, but we are never going back to the party of Paul Ryan, Karl Rove, and Jeb Bush. People are tired of RINOs and globalists. They want to see America First.”


HEADLINE: Paris Hilton To Keep 20 Humans Frozen Until They Die Because She Wants A Girl by Jordan Boyd 

  • Despite the bountiful results of their IVF process, the 42-year-old has no intention of giving her 20 tiny humans a chance at life outside of frozen orphanages, where they will sit indefinitely until they are discarded or given to researchers who will destroy them in the name of science.
  • The same month Hilton put her plan to manufacture a baby girl in motion, January of 2023, she announced that a surrogate had birthed her baby boy Phoenix Barron Hilton Reum. You wouldn’t know this based on the maternity photoshoot she posted on her Instagram, which makes it appear that Hilton — dressed in a robe — was the one who carried and birthed the baby.
  • Instead of spending nine months emotionally and physically bonding with her unborn child, however, Hilton outsourced the growth of her son to another woman because she didn’t want the struggles, physical changes, and medical surveillance that come with childbirth.
  • Hilton has yet to disclose whether her latest round of IVF yielded her desired results, but she did tell Glamour she just wants to “enjoy my life with my family and be normal.
  • Most non-Catholics are afraid of death.
  • As Catholics we worry about JUDGEMENT not death.
  • Embracing modesty – it isn’t that the dresses aren’t pretty, it is just isn’t meant to impress anymore. 
  • Modest women dress in a manner that doesn’t draw attention to themselves. 
 HEADLINE: Trump easily wins CPAC straw poll by Max Greenwood

TRIVIA QUESTION: Who won the CPAC straw poll in 2012?

ANSWER: Ron Paul 

 GOLDEN TRUTH TICKET – Be caller #5 Today, for your chance to win 1 tickets for a brand new KIA Seltos from Bulldog KIA
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h23m2012 Republican National Caucus in Tampa Florida

  • How did Romney get his revenge?
  • They weren’t going to let Ron Paul speak. 
  • They said b/c he ran in all 50 states, that he earned a place to speak.
  • Remember here in Louisiana Ron Paul WON our caucus, it wasn’t even close.
  • The Romney people got Ron Paul taken off the speakers list.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump at CPACWe will become masters at ballot harvesting.

  • Joseph Pearce book of his conversion – Race with the Devil: My Journey from Racial Hatred to Rational Love 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump at CPACAll Republican governors should immediately go for paper ballots, one-day voting and voter ID.

  • You know it took all of 45 minutes to fact-check Trump’s speech.
  • I couldn’t figure out why Trump didn’t refuse to acknowledge Biden’s win.
  • Why didn’t he just say “I’m not leaving the White House”?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump at CPACI will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump at CPACWhen I get in I will drain the Washington Swamp faster & better than before b/c: I now know the good ones, the bad ones, the weak ones, the strong ones. 

GRAPHIC: Both have 39 million people in them. One controls 28 senate seats, the other has 2. 

1. California – 

2. Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, N Dakota, S Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump at CPACI will prevent, very early World War III.

  • If he were to say Biden and the GOP stooges, neo-cons are responsible for this that would have come out better.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump at CPACNever allow China and Russian to get together, we’ve not only allowed it but we’ve made them bosom-buddies.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump at CPACWith Biden China and Russia are trying to take everything and he won’t even know they took it.



HEADLINE: More Than Half the World Will Be Overweight or Have Obesity by 2035: Report by Ralph Ellis 

HEADLINE: FAA ‘Not Required to Make Changes to Airline Seats, Sizes’: US Appeals Court by Kos Temenes 

  • According to the ruling by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, there is no clear and indisputable evidence that tight seating could prove dangerous to passengers, albeit being uncomfortable. 
  • Since the 1990s, the width of airplane seats has shrunk from 18 inches to about 16 inches , and the distance b/w seat bags has decreased from 35 inches to sometimes less than 28 inches, according to FlyersRights.
  • The average airline seat is 17” across and you typically have 28” between rows.
  • The best part of the Lenten diet is you can’t do Fast Food b/c most don’t have a seafood option.
  • You either get better at cooking seafood or you eat a can of tuna.
 Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Ryan Grant and His Wife

  • Please continue to pray for a miracle for Ryan’s wife.
  • She now has more cancer cells in her body than healthy cells.
  • Ryan Grant being a devout Catholic is taking this in stride b/c he states on social media..he thanks God for finding this cancer in enough time to prepare his family and his wife preparing her soul for a happy death.

Brother Andre Marie

  • Having to go before a hearing in Church Militant and his hierarchy where he will have to answer some questions. Pray that the Holy Ghost fills him w/ the Godly answers to stop all the persecution they have had to face these last few years. 


HEADLINE: First-Time Homebuyers Are Absolutely Screwed Right Now via ZeroHedge 

  • What if you have many acres and a few kids?
  • You give some land to your children and then the family helps build a home on it.


HEADLINE: Satanic Temple’s ‘Weekend of Blasphemy’ Sells Out in Boston by Thomas D Williams 

QUESTION: Why does the Baphomet statue have Satan holding up 2 fingers?

ANSWER: Because it is a blasphemy against Christ which is often depicted holding 2 fingers to denote His two natures.

  • This year’s convention is “Hexennacht in Boston” or “Witches Night,” an ancient Bavarian holiday celebrated on April 30, the eve of the Christian feast day of Saint Walpurga, on which revelers dress as witches and demons.
  • The largest Satanic gathering will celebrate TST’s ten-year anniversary and features talks on Satanism in Rural America, Reclaiming the Trans Body, and Satanism and Self-Pleasure.
  • SatanCon attendees must be 18 or older and have proof of the coronavirus vaccination, according to the website. Attendees are obliged to wear an N-95, KN-95, or disposable surgical mask. Gaiters, bandanas, and cloth masks are not allowed.
  • TV Series Mayfair Witches – starring Alexandra Daddario
 HEADLINE: NYPD Wants Businesses to Require Customers Remove Masks, Citing Crime Rates
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Marianne Williamson (announced her 2024 presidential bid this weekend) on ABC The DNC is rigging the system for Biden.

AUDIO/VIDEO: J.B. Pritzker on Face the NationI don’t think there’s anybody that’s serious that’s actually considering running against Joe Biden b/c he’s done such a great job.

 HEADLINE: Hershey’s Faces Backlash After Featuring Biological Male in Ad Honoring International Women’s Day by Debra Heine

AUDIO/VIDEO: Hershey is putting the face of a trans -“woman” on chocolate bar wrappers with “HerShe” highlighted in honor of international women’s day. 

  • Hershey’s is now erasing women all together. 
  • I Hate Hershey’s website –  
 HEADLINE: Life Among the Ruins by Victor Davis Hanson 
3h30mHEADLINE: Arizona School Board Cuts Ties With Christian University After ‘Witchy AF’ Board Member Says Its Biblical Values Make Her Feel Unsafe by Debra Heine 

  • Why is a woman that wears cat ears all the time put on ANY board?
3h42mHEADLINE: The Conformist Cardinals by Michael Warren Davis

  • You are not going to like the world in which the Catholic Church adjudicates Her duties in the public square.
  • What’s more, they know that we know what it means. Their Eminences want everyone to understand that they dissent from the Catholic faith. They’re a fifth column of feminists and LGBT allies, working to recreate the Church from within. Of course, openly calling for such changes might cost them their jobs. So they’re not going to do that. But they still want us all to know they’re on the right side of history. They want implausible deniability. 
  • These churchmen start using phrases like “culture of exclusion.”
  • Yet – when it comes to heresy, it’s the desire for truth that really separates the men from the boys.
  • You can’t just sit back and say ‘well there is nothing we can do about this.’
  • You’ll have people telling you “no your wrong the Church changed the teaching” on this that and the other.
 HEADLINE: Virginia AG Probes Mounting Religious Discrimination Cases After Hospital Revoked Covid Jab Exemptions by Ashley Bateman 

  • A group of just under 100 employees up for termination calculated their combined experience as 960 years — a significant amount of caregiver experience Inova Loudoun Hospital leadership was willing to fire based on rejected or revoked religious exemptions. 
 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
Meta-tags for showMichael Warren Davis, Arizona School Board, Ashley Bateman, LGBTQ, Catholicism, Debra Heine, COVID, Inova Loudoun Hospital, Donald Trump, CPAC, Victor Davis Hanson, Hersheys, International Women’s Day, JB Prizker, NYPD, masks, Meredith McGraw, MAGA, Natalie Allison, Ben Nagle, Alabama, transgender, Jordan Boyd, Paul Ryan, Karl Rove, Jeb Bush, RINO, America First, Paris Hilton, surrogacy, Kim Kardashian, Mayfair Witches, Thomas D Williams, first time homebuyers, DNC, Alexandra Daddario, Steve Skojec, Baphomet, Satanic Temple, Ryan Grant, Kos Temenes, FAA, Marianne Williamson

Written by: Justin Redman