“Restoring the order by advancing eternal, transcendent, truth Always in All Ways.”
The Veritas Radio Network
We believe that broadcasters have a duty to the Truth and that duty is a sacred one that has been made secular. Our aim is to make that duty sacred again out of respect for the human dignity of our listeners and viewers chastened by a healthy fear of God.
We believe that our political and civic affairs in law must be placed under The Authority of The Eternal Law and therefore, any discussion of them requires as complete a knowledge of that Law as we have been blessed with the ability to acquire.
We believe that broadcasting is a noble, for-profit vocation. We believe in an equitable distribution of those profits among those charged with their creation.
We believe those profits must be earned and must never come at the expense of intentionally eliminating a competitor; or of usury; or of intellectual theft of any sort.
We believe that the fruits of our labors must be of a quality that is commensurate with the dignity of the audience they serve. We believe in the value of “obedience to the unenforcible” as a regulating guide to our on-air and recorded content’s reverence. Language is a gift from God and must be used to cultivate listeners souls toward their ultimate purpose.
In cultivating commercial programming and advertising toward that purpose we believe our customers are equally bound.
We pledge to be vigilant towards the promotion of the The Truth and to always choose Truth over profit and the convenience of popular approval, especially in matters of any moral teaching known by the ancient natural and supernatural law.
We seek commerce in memberships, purchases, advertising and donations for the implementation and continuation of that pledge and vow our fidelity to it.
Our principle corporate values are: Faith, Hope, Charity, Humility and Fortitude. In living these values through our business and on-air connections we equally prize them in return.
That the Grace of Almighty God may bear witness to this mission and mercifully guide us in its execution, we pledge our fortunes and honor.
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