If they can get that down to 9.5 or 9 million Trump will win the election.
You can’t have the unions out there denouncing this man now.
The tax rate that kicks in for overtime is the highest possible so you really don’t make much of anything when you work overtime.
This solves that.
If you want to appeal to Independent/Moderate voters, I would wipe out all the taxes on bonuses.
AUDIO/VIDEO: JD Vance on CNBC – Economics and Tariffs – If you want access to American markets, you can’t use shiny slave labor. Let’s talk about big tech, I think Apple benefits from Chinese slave labor and I think that is sick.
Americans are addicted to cheap Chinese crap.
It would be painful initially but you’d end up getting better products that are better sourced.
It is time to return jobs to our country.
AUDIO/VIDEO:JD Vance on ABC News – Kamala Harris Plans – The American people are smart and Kamala Harris talks to them like they are children. She talks a lot about her plans but more importantly the American people don’t get fed on plans.
I think it comes through in his commentary but I’d like to see a little more of his Catholicism shine through but he is hopeful.
There is no hope in the Harris/Walz ticket.
Is anyone surprised at this point?
I hate to say that but we have heard a lot of stuff from this current Pope.
It is hard for us laity out here.
He is also making it hard for those that want to convert when they hear things like this.
Why do the hard Catholic stuff when I can be on my own path and arrive at the same destination?
Like Marjorie Taylor Greene, she was a cradle Catholic, she said I didn’t leave the Catholic Church the Catholic Church left me.
Tremendous damage to the Church.
We have seen movement to the traditional aspect so God is in charge and He knows what He is doing.
There is still much work to be done.
Europe has basically lost the Catholic faith.
Council of Florence –
France is the oldest daughter of the Church and that is not by accident.
Innocent II, Gregory XVI, Pius IX and Pius X all condemned indifferentism.
The Catholic faith if you are practicing it requires you to say these things.
You don’t have to go find people and yell at them.
I’m not afraid of any of this.
Men need to get out of their man caves and get into Church and on your knees.
THAT will change this culture.
President Trump did something on Sunday that warmed my heart and made me smile from ear to ear.
Most Catholic politicians wouldn’t even think to wish Mother Mary Happy Birthday on social media.
Our Catholic president Joe Biden sure didn’t!
Melania’s newest book – it was just going to be a beautiful coffee table book but she added information about the attempted assassination attempt on her husband.
She is graceful, she dresses modestly, she dresses humbly and I think she is a great influence on Donald Trump though her.
Mike Church offers no-holds barred commentary on the moral & political decay of the modern world but unlike all other hosts, Mike offers solutions to these ills, solutions rooted in the wisdom of the Fathers, founding and Church!