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Narrative vs Meta-Narrative
Meta-Narrative or Grand-Narrative – gives meaning to your whole life.
Divine Revelation etc, our meta-narrative accommodates all the narratives fo the faith.
When you have a meta-narrative that doesn’t encompass all of that, it isn’t a true narrative.
Natural Law –
The order of grace.
The peoples who’s meta-narrative are false and scientistic in nature and have a clear agenda that is not Christian.
Lots of us saw pretty early on in the COVID nonsense we saw it.
We saw it b/c part of our meta-narrative, they weren’t on the side of good.
AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Matt Gaetz on fresh lockdown threats – I’m not going back to gutter dining, eating in the streets when there is a perfectly good restaurant right there that the government thought it could close. If they’re coming back again, I think we’re going to have a lot more Americans a part of our political coalition to stand for freedom.
Congress cannot borrow another 6 trillion for PPE funding.
The resilience of the American people in the face of false propaganda.
There is a thread there and they weave a tapestry around the thread.
The thread is there is a virus….then weave a narrative around it.
Then came the COVID narrative.
If you compare the numbers from 2020 to today on the COVID narrative, I think it is probably double what it was back then but even that isn’t a high number.
Programming and brain washing –
1917 the American people were sold on this.
Since then do you think the craft of propaganda has become more or less sophisticated?
The technological means have even increased.
AUDIO/VIDEO: Venerable Fulton Sheen – What moment did all of this change? The dropping of the atom bomb. (start time 4:30)
The day of the dropping of the bomb in August 6th they immediately on moral principle the Saint Benedict Center disavowed that.
They didn’t even know there were Catholics there.
They were taught at Harvard that the Japanese were subhuman at this point.
Go back and look at Looney Tunes.
This is what was being taught back then.
It wasn’t called woke back then but it was incredibly cruel and dehumanizing.
Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine
Canon 9:15 and 9:16 –
If you know you are guilty of a moral sin you may not receive Communion – on individual
On the part of the Priest – Canon law binds them on that institutional abuse – someone who is a notorious public sinner is to be denied Holy Communion.
This is PUBLIC this isn’t something that is based on hearsay.
If the Priest knows it b/c of confession heard right before Mass, says he will not change his ways and then goes immediately to communion rail the Priest CANNOT deny him Holy Communion.
Notorious public sinner – this is 100% Joe Biden.
For years as Joe Doyle pointed out, he has been on the wrong side of life and the Catholic church has a pro-life stance and always has!