The Mike Church Show

Wisdom Wednesday: How The Secular Murican State Cannot Now Even Fulfill Basic, Public Needs, Like Running Water with Brother Andre Marie

today08/31/2022 213 1

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Special Guest Brother Andre Maire

Follow Brother on social media Twitter and GAB – @Brother_Andre

SBC Conference

Weekend of October 6 – 8

  • Jackson MS – no clean drinking water for so many people.
  • This isn’t a 3rd world country, how do we have Americans not able to drink water?
  • California there are U-Haul stores that couldn’t keep up with the demand.
  • They are closing businesses down due to it.
  • 97 – 3 this is obviously not sustainable.
  • Go back to the Trades and Vocations. 
  • We’ve taken servile arts and other arts and combined them.
  • This is a mess and it is by their choice.
  • Liberal Arts College 
  • Servile = where you are serving other people.
  • We have obliterated distinction. 

HEADLINE: What Draws the Caveman to Catholicism? by Jessica Kramer 

Alec Guinness – converted to Catholicism after playing the part of a Priest too.


What’s In That Prayer – 

Saint Raymond 

HEADLINE: What’s in That Prayer? The Collect for Saint Raymond Nonnatus by Brother Andre Marie

  • Saint Raymond was a Mercederian friar. They and the Trinitarians were “ransoming orders,” i.e., mendicant orders specifically founded to free Christians from slavery to the Muslims. Their members would both raise funds to ransom Christian captives and, in some cases, they would heroically exchange their lives to free the captives. Knowing this helps us to see the clever wordplay in this oration, where the ransoming charism of the Mercederians, so important to the saint’s life, is made an analogue to the concepts of bondage to sin and the freedom to pursue the good

Written by: jadechampagne