The Mike Church Show

Wisdom Wednesday-One Simple Rule Will Fix A Broken Christendom

today07/19/2023 67

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David Simpson and Son

The True Money Show aired only on the Crusade Channel.

  • Christ can raise up sons of Abraham from stones so that is what he is doing w/ me.
  • Rules of Saint Benedict are in effect at Walmart.
  • One of his students is a Brother, Father Francis Bethel – John Senior and the Restoration of Realism 
  • I thought about just running away to a monastery after reading it.
  • H.G. Potter – Never Leave Your Monastery 
  • Experience at Christendom College – 
  • It is very difficult, very experience, most of us work while attending college.
  • Many came from long distances and we are willing to do whatever it takes to get this formal education.
  • There are issues of course but I assumed when I got there everyone would be exactly like me with the same Catholic background but that wasn’t the case.
  • College in general is a steep climb for anyone I think.
  • The overall disposition of the kids is what is the important thing.
  • Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • You’ll find very different reactions – are y’all those guys w/ the Giant Chapel?
  • I get that a lot.
  • Young Catholics are there and a lot say “I was ‘raised’ Catholic implying they aren’t anymore but you see in their eyes they miss it.
  • Combination of both of them – 
  • Democracy what is it really?
  • Let’s potentially call starting WWIII our way of promoting Democracy.
  • Once you get to this level of subjectivism, I don’t think you can turn this around with them.
  • That which is meant for God or the highest things – Sacred
  • A lot of bad philosophies – all boiled down to a selfishness and pretend that God validates it.
  • That is the devil.
  • If you had to put natural law into one sentence – do good not evil.
  • I don’t like to have to legislate every aspect of this.
  • If you see someone doing harm to themselves you should be able to stop them.
  • Not necessarily arrest them but punish them in a way to show them what they did was wrong and they shouldn’t do it.
  • “I feel like the house is burning down and instead of everyone getting out of it we are all trying to piss on it!” – David Simpson
  • National average of those under the age of 27 that says they are transgender is 30%.
  • Combination of factors – 
  • “Ultimately what is going on with the youth is if you reject God, you feel horrible inside and they want to change something so they want to change the matter….the body! They don’t realize the soul is what needs to change not the genitalia.”  – Stephen Simpson

Mother Mary

  • A child of Mary can never be lost.
  • Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
  • The influence of Mother Mary is there in the Trump family as Melania prays the rosary daily.
  • He did more for stopping child sex trafficking and abortion than any other President.
  • Everyone has faults, every human has faults and we need to remember that.

Written by: Justin Redman