Wisdom Wednesday: Saint John Matha And The Incredible Story Of Skanderbeg Hero Saint Of The Albanians with Brother Andre Marie

today02/08/2023 155

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Special Guest Brother Andre Marie

Host of ReConquest aired only on the Crusade Channel

Follow Brother Andre Marie on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

Saint of the Day – Janet Huxley 

Saint John of Matha – He was the cofounder with Saint Felix of Valois, in 1197, of the Order of Trinitarians for the redemption of Catholic captives who were taken by the Mohammedans.

  • Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg (1405-1468) – On 28th November 1443 during a campaign against the Hungarians, Skanderbeg deserted the Ottoman Army along with 300 Albanians under his command; He took control of Kruje castle by using a fake letter from the Sultan which gave him control of the area.  Once established he declared to be in revolt against the Ottomans and took the double headed eagle as his flag which had long been used in the Balkans and was to become the basis of the Albanian flag. Skanderbeg worked quickly to gather support by marriage and diplomacy and united many of the Albanian princes in 1444 in the League of Lezhe. Skanderbeg quickly formed a mobile force which used hit and run tactics against the Ottoman forces making use of the mountainous terrain and local support. The league could field about 18,000 troops but only about 4000 were under Skanderbeg’s direct command.
  • Usury broadly defined is interest on any loan.
  • The Church has steered clear from this for a very long time on this issue.
  • Usury is the economic system of the West.
  • Most of our economies are based on usury.
  • Given the fluidity of modern economics and the reality of this constant inflation the value – there isn’t an objective standard to the value of money.
  • Crude Example – you lend me $1,000 and then you said pay me back 1 year from now no interest. If I give you $1,000 a year from now you lost money b/c the money is worth MORE in the year.
  • If the farmer is accumulating capital that he will need year over year to farm, and he has leftover at the end of one year and sells for profit, that is NOT usury b/c it is a product of his labor.
  • Economics for Helen
  • The Usurer gets his money not matter what.

AUDIO/VIDEO: SOTU AddressCongress must restore the right that was taken away w/ Roe v Wade. We are doing everything we can to safeguard healthcare and reproductive rights.

  • Defending liberty maximumly, then denying that killing babies and denying them the right to live is….
  • When you pursue what you CALL freedoms – that isn’t freedom that is enslavement.
  • We understand this intuitively when we see a drug addict.
  • We don’t understand it when it comes to sexual sins.
  • They are blinding on the soul they darken our intellect in a way it can lead to spiritual blindness.
  • WE don’t want to see the truth, we can’t see the truth.
  • We have a complete political class that is blinded by their sexual sins.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Gov Sarah Huckabee Sanders on SOTUMost American’s want to live in peace but we are caught in a culture war we didn’t start. Every day we are told we must partake in their rituals, salute their flags & worship their false idols.

  • The soon to be married living in an inappropriate state.
  • Living together before marriage.

Written by: Justin Redman