Wisdom Wednesday: To Navigate Regime World You’ll Need Grace And The Three A’s with Brother Andre Marie

today09/07/2022 50

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Wisdom Wednesday: To Navigate Regime World You’ll Need Grace And The Three A’s with Brother Andre Marie 

Special Guest Brother Andre Marie

Host of ReConquest aired only on the Crusade Channel

Ethics Lecture #6 – The 3 A’s

Appreciation Adventure and Accomplishment

Contemplating Nature

  • To be seized by the thing in front of you.
  • You can be seized by the beauty of something in nature. 
  • This is the contemplative nature.
  • Highest contemplation is of God and His nature. 
  • Contemplation vs Meditation 
  • Grace comes in 2 forms: actual and sanctifying
  • Habitual Grace – grace which makes pleasing
  • Grace has many different definitions in many different languages.

HEADLINE: Saint Thomas on ‘the Division of Grace’ by Brother Andre Marie

  • “In matters which he took up pertaining to the service of our Lord, he made use of all the human means to succeed in them, with a care and efficiency as great as if the success depended on these means; and he confided in God and depended on His providence as greatly as if all the other human means which he was using were of no effect.”
  • Good Habits = Virtue 
  • What about Sanctifying and Actual Grace?
  • As stated above (I-II:110:2) grace may be taken in two ways; first, as a Divine help, whereby God moves us to will and to act [i.e., “actual grace”]; secondly, as a habitual gift divinely bestowed on us [i.e., “habitual grace,” “grace which makes pleasing,” or “sanctifying grace”].” The distinction here is quite clear and sharp. 
  • Actual grace is God moving the soul to act. It is transient in nature, and terminates in the performance of a salutary act, either leading us to faith and habitual grace, or (once in grace), leading us to perform meritorious acts. Sanctifying or habitual grace, on the other hand, is a quality that God infuses and that abides in the soul.

HEADLINE: Pilgrimage Held in Madeira, Portugal via Blessed Karl of Austria (cause for canonization website) 

  • The case for confession w/ a Priest. 
  • Lepers – You had to ‘show yourself to the Priest’ for re-admittance into their society. 
  • God can give Priests the Divine Power to forgive sins.

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Written by: Justin Redman