
197 Results / Page 17 of 22


Legacy Show Archive

The Constitution Hour Episode 16-The Problem of Ted Cruz’s SuperPACs & Ted’s Promise To Bring Constitutional Lunches Back To Public Schools

Mandeville, LA - SuperPACS are those menacing entities that were created by the Citizens United SCOTUS ruling and Kevin Gutzman explains why they're not constitutional then throws in the history of campaign financing. We also learn of Ted Cruz's promise that if elected, his FLOTUS will return hamburgers and french fries to school lunch menus as part of the discharge of the dubious, unconstitutional office of "First Lady". Support the Veritas […]

today05/05/2016 16

How To Listen

How To Subscribe To Veritas Radio Network Podcasts

Mandeville, LA - The Veritas Radio Network is working night and day to deliver our amazing array of Original Radio Content to subscribers and the general public via web browser AND smartphones. Below is a how to subscribe to the Veritas Radio Network's "Preview Channel" Feed which carries all the preview files we publish to promote Founders Pass memberships and entertain those without paid memberships. The same methods will work […]

today04/22/2016 20

Veritas Newsroom

Mike Church Show-190416 – Segment 2 – The Founding of Our Republic of St Tammany

Mandeville, LA - [Editor's Note: The presentation of the daily Mike Church Show has now been consolidated into two, 90 minute long segments per broadcast day. Founders Pass members who are logged in will notice there is a built in playlist that appears on each day's posts that has an accompanying RSS feed and is updated chronologically as we add files. This should make the Mike Church Show content much easier to locate […]

today04/19/2016 9


Mike Church Show – Segment 1 04192016 – ‘Murican Exceptionalism Exposed

Mandeville, LA - [Editor's Note: The presentation of the daily Mike Church Show has now been consolidated into two, 90 minute long segments per broadcast day. Founders Pass members who are logged in will notice there is a built in playlist that appears on each day's posts that has an accompanying RSS feed and is updated chronologically as we add files. This should make the Mike Church Show content much easier to locate […]

today04/19/2016 16


Mike Church Show – Segment 1 04182016

Mandeville, LA - Today Mike commemorates or rather eulogizes 'Muricah on one of Her High-Holy days, the solemnity of Secular Lent aka Tax Filing Deadline Day. Segment 1 - The headlines from the local Advocate tell you everything y0u need to know about the septic tank we're all stewing in called "cult-chuh". "I might walk out my front door any day and get my head blown off" screamed the headline […]

today04/18/2016 668


Testimonial: The CRUSADE Channel Audience Is Going To Explode

Mandeville, LA - New listener Dean Christensen, writes us to say: Subject: Testimonial from somebody that didn't follow you in the old station in the old country Dear, King Dude I had a friend beg me for years to start listening to you when you were on Sirius but I never would because of the "Pay Wall". With the Launch of the RVN I purchased a membership within a month. […]

today04/18/2016 15


Mike Church Show Profile: Too Catholic For Satellite Radio

Mandeville, LA - In the latest issue of the Latin Mass Magazine features CRUSADE Channel contributor Christopher Ferrara's biography of the Mike Church Show's last 2 years on SiriusXM Satellite Radio. Read the full article, . Support the Veritas Radio Network and the CRUSADE Channel, Radio The Way It Should Be, and become a Founders Pass member. We have eliminated the middle man in broadcasting and instead bring the product […]

today04/18/2016 47