
39 Results / Page 2 of 5

Septuagesima Sunday

Septuagesima Sunday and the Feast of Saint Cyril of Alexandria and Saint Apollonia

Septuagesima Sunday and the feast of Saint Cyril of Alexandria and Saint Apollonia.  Septuagesima Sunday begins the season that comprises the three weeks immediately preceding Lent. It forms one of the principal divisions of the Liturgical Year, and is itself divided into three parts, each part corresponding to a week: the first is called Septuagesima; the second, Sexagesima; the third, Quinquagesima.  Saint Cyril of Alexandria is a Doctor of the Church, and was […]

today02/08/2020 9

The Motivational Story of Candlemas And The Purification of The BVM

The Motivational Story of Candlemas And The Purification of The BVM The Forty Days of Mary’s Purification are now completed, and she must go up to the Temple, there to offer to God her Child Jesus. This is also the fourth Joyful Mystery of the Most Holy Rosary. The Law commanded that a woman who had given birth to a son should not approach the Tabernacle for the term of forty […]

today02/02/2020 11

Acies Ordinata

When is a Secret Protest a Public Spectacle? Wherefore The Acies Ordinata

When is a Secret Protest a Public Spectacle? Wherefore The Acies Ordinata UPDATE 2: Comments Are OPEN, below. UPDATE 1: I have not and do not question anyone of the Acies Ordinata's motives as some have suggested this piece does. One thing that you do not know, fair reader, is that I have accepted invitations to attend very similar events by some who swim in this circle concerned, with even […]

today01/19/2020 119

Soy Cult's Tofu-Tactics

How To Protect Our Boys From The Soy Cult’s Tofu-Tactics – Part I

How To Protect Our Boys From The Soy Cult's Tofu-Tactics - Part I Soy Boy Series: Introduction, The Soy Cult's Tofu-Tactics By: Kennedy Hall Our culture suffers from a serious plague that is damaging the fabric of everything from the family to the Church.  This plague is present in various forms, and all of us have experienced it. In some cases, we have contributed to it as well - I […]

today01/14/2020 681

Catholic Media

Catholic Citizen! You Will Obey Your Alternative Catholic Media Overlords, Citizen

Catholic Citizen! You Will Obey Your Alternative Catholic Media Overlords, Citizen Catholic media has been a hot topic this year. I am trying to stay out of the Catholic propaganda wars this year for a variety of reasons, the least of which is I think it is at best dubious to make ones "living" reporting & commenting on the demise of The Church's authority and any specific cleric's role in […]

today01/07/2020 26

Telling Truth About Youth

Telling the Truth About Youth By John Clement Dionysius

Telling the Truth About Youth By John Clement Dionysius Part I (Raising Christian Children in a Post-Christian Society) A Brief Introduction “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  (Prov. 22:6)  Telling the Truth About Youth asks the question who is responsible for the training up of Christian children but Christian parents to whom such has been […]

today01/03/2020 5


Merry Christmas Eve Y’all! The Savior Is Nigh!

Merry Christmas Eve Y'all! The Savior Is Nigh! by Mike Church The Tweet contains a photo of the Midnight Mass meditation of Dom Prosper Gueranger from his masterpiece, The Liturgical Year! Merry Christmas, Y'all! The Savior Is Nigh! #MidnightMass looms as the angel’s anticipation reaches bursting point! When Our Lord is born to Our Lady, HERS are the first loving eyes He will see & in them, the Love of […]

today12/24/2019 10

The KingDude & CRUSADE Channel Were 2.5 YEARS, Ahead of The Catholic Media Mafia

by Mike Church In Sept. of 2017 I cancelled Netflix over their child-porn abomination "Big Mouth" & told the CRUSADE Channel audience & anyone else who would listen (no one did) that they should follow suit. Now, thanks to the "Gay Jesus" Netflix movie, its all the rage to denounce Netflix, sign useless petitions and then righteously claim that cancellation is an option...for some. Netflix is still airing new episodes, […]

today12/15/2019 11

Sean Hannity, Faithless Coward

Sean Hannity, Faithless Coward by Mike Church I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.... And in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the remission of sins. And I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen - The Apostles Creed, Sean Hannity had to know […]

today12/14/2019 1961