Coca-Cola Pushes LGBT+ Agenda on Children, Teens in New Sprite Ad

today11/13/2019 53

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Coca-Cola pushes LGBT+ agenda with new commercial hailed as “heartwarming” which “shoots straight to the heart” showing families “celebrating the sense of joy” when one embraces perversion.

By: Aaron Barker

With thumbs firmly planted in the eye of God, the Coca-Cola Company is seeking to get another perfect score on the Corporate Equality Index released by the Human Rights Campaign with a commercial for Sprite broadcast in Argentina.

Scenes in the video include a mother helping her daughter bind her breasts so she may appear flat-chested like a male as well as another woman assisting her son in applying make-up and dressing in drag.  Strangely absent is the strong presence of a male figure in the teen’s lives but towards the end of the video we see a father driving with his son in the backseat along with the boyfriend.  Super imposed on the screen are the words:

Orgullo: lo que sientes cuando alguien que amas elige ser feliz

Translated, this means, “Pride: what you feel when someone you love chooses to be happy.”  Coca-cola has endorsed a lifestyle which is full of alcohol abuse, drug enslavement, countless sexual partners, soaring suicides rates and labeled it “happiness.”  Those who encourage their own children to enter into a life of confusing pain do not show love but rather true hatred.

A young boy has make up applied for LGBT+ parade

A man or woman cannot drive until they are sixteen years of age (in most states); cannot vote, use or buy tobacco products or enlist in the military until the age of eighteen; drink or purchase alcoholic beverages until the age of twenty-one; however, they can choose their gender at the young age of three?  Not only are they choosing it – some parents are forcing it upon the next generation with the horrid “Drag Queen Story Hours” invading libraries across the nation.

Companies have been moving in this direction for some time and are targeting children more intensely than before.  Mike Church reported on the new Renault propaganda video depicting two young girls who forge an innocent friendship and ultimately fall into sin via a homosexual relationship.  Businesses are proving that the souls of men, women, and children are worth the sale of just one more soda pop or widget.

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The ultimate irony is staring us in the face.  Society has been told by the left for the past 30 years to simply be yourself.  They tell us that it isn’t right to hide who we are or to cover up our flaws.  Transparency has been the call for society invading all institutions including the church.  However, this commercial shows us the exact opposite of the “be yourself” movement.  Here, parents are helping their children to mask the God-given gender by wearing a costume covering who they were created to be.

Man kneeling in church praying with bible about LGBT+ parade.

Instead of condoning such immoral behavior we must encourage our children to embrace the true-self predetermined by God.  Children who are questioning their sexuality require the nurture of both parents and Biblical counseling directing them to the words of Christ for answers.

See, these issues faced are not the conundrums those in our society would have us to believe.  Because of The Fall, our minds are affected by the sin nature which impacts our ability to reason properly, use logic correctly, and think morally about issues.  Subsequently our minds must be reoriented to Christ.

Don’t misunderstand me – sexual immorality is not as simple as memorizing some scriptures and then being okay, on the contrary.  Each individual has certain sin patterns that impact them in different ways which require daily mortification of sin and proper submersion in the teachings of Jesus Christ.

The next generation is at stake – not just of our nation, but the very souls of men, women, and children are on the line.  Big Corp has proven beyond the shadow of doubt that they are in league with Beelzebub seeking to destroy our species.  Will we sit idly by and allow it or will we take up arms and fight against it?  Don’t wait to long to answer that question; your posterity is in danger, and the enemy never sleeps.

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Written by: Aaron B

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