Founders Pass

22 Results / Page 1 of 3


Founders Pass Feature Presentations

Founders Pass Members Only SOTU Chatroom!

Mandeville, LA - This is the Founders Pass, Members Only, LIVE! Chatroom for the State of The Union address by President Trump. Not a Founder's Pass member? take 50% off tonight on a one year or one month membership, click here to use the coupon code JOIN2018 and save 50% off regular, Basic memberships! WATCH the SOTU on CSPAN (the feed is also on The CRUSADE Channel) CAN'T SEE THE […]

today02/05/2019 1127


The April Showers To Bring May Flowers CRUSADE Channel Membership Drive

GIVE A GIFT MEMBERSHIP | BECOME A NEW MEMBER! | MAKE A CASH DONATION   Mandeville, LA - Remember this dialogue from the film Its A Wonderful Life? Clarence: I haven't won my wings, yet. That's why I'm called an Angel Second Class. I have to earn them. And you'll help me will you? George Bailey: [sarcastic] Sure, sure. How? Clarence: By letting me help you. George Bailey: I know […]

today04/11/2018 18

How To - Tech Help

Asking You To Join The CRUSADE Channel’s Mission 300

Mandeville, LA - CRUSADE Channel founder Mike Church has ignited the Mission 300, the Channel's "word of mouth" member recruiting promotion. Mike is asking all current Founder's Pass members to consider giving a 30 day, 90 day or 1 year Founders Pass Gift Membership to a "friend, family member, business associate or enemy! That equals less than 1/2 of 1% of all monthly listeners and/or users of the CRUSADE Channel's […]

today09/06/2017 8

Become a Member

How To Purchase And Redeem A Founders Pass Gift Membership

Mandeville, LA - This video shows you how to purchase and redeem a Founders Pass Gift Membership. Thanks for purchasing a Founders Pass Gift Membership. PLEASE NOTE!! YOU CANNOT REDEEM A GIFT MEMBERSHIP FOR THE RECIPIENT, YOU MUST REDEEM IT BY CLICKING THE "show gift link"!! If YOU redeem the gift, even with THEIR info, you will only be changing your current membership to a 30 day gift membership. Step […]

today09/02/2017 373

Founder’s Pass Downloads

John Taylor of Caroline’s Argument Against The Carriage Tax eBook And Audiobook!

An ARGUMENT RESPECTING THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE CARRIAGE TAX - In V I R G I N I A, In May, 1795 by John Taylor of Caroline County. Mandeville, LA - John Taylor of Caroline County, Virginia continues to this day an unheralded member of that august group of American men known as “Founding Fathers”. The following work, “An argument respecting the constitutionality of the carriage tax” is, however, of great importance. This […]

today08/18/2017 58

Become a Member

August Membership Incredible Deal: Join Today & Get A FREE Copy of Humility of Heart!

Mandeville, LA - Humility of Heart has been reviewed as the finest book EVER written on the topic of achieving humility which is necessary to attain salvation. Now, for a limited time, if you become a Founders Pass Yearly Member we will give you the digital download edition of the book for FREE - "don't cost nuthin'"! Signup For A Yearly Founders Pass & Get Mike's Humility of Heart-FREE! Humility […]

today07/31/2017 8
